Before doing the test you have to watch and listen to the text twice.
Посилання на відео до тесту
Listen to the text and choose the right variant.
Why did the pilgrims invite the Native Americans for the first Thanksgiving?
What is traditionally served with the Thanksgiving turkey?
What is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade known for?
What typically happens on Black Friday?
When do many Americans start putting up Christmas decorations?
Match 2 parts of sentences.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA on...
The first Thanksgiving was held to celebrate...
Black Friday is known for...
After Thanksgiving, it is traditional to...
Listen to the text and choose True or False.
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA on the last Thursday of November.
Thanksgiving is considered the official start of the Holiday season in America.
People traditionally watch two American football games on Thanksgiving Day.
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