7 form/ 2 unit/ Reading

Додано: 9 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 90 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.

What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.

Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try! 

1. Teenagers today like

варіанти відповідей

to have a lot of friends.

to change their hobbies often.

to go dancing.

Запитання 2

Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.

What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.

Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try! 

2 The TV programmes are about

варіанти відповідей

a new sort of dance.

the lives of famous people.

dance competitions.

Запитання 3

Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.

What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.

Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try! 

3 You can see these programmes

варіанти відповідей

not very often.

in the USA.

in many countries.

Запитання 4

Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.

What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.

Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try! 

4 The text is

варіанти відповідей

an advert.

a TV review.

a newspaper article.

Запитання 5

Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.

What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.

Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try! 

5. Famous people go on the programmes

варіанти відповідей

to choose the competition winners.

to be in the competition.

to show people how to dance.

Запитання 6

Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.

What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.

Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try! 

6. You can learn these dances

варіанти відповідей

at special dancing schools.

at home.

in the different countries.

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