8 Form Reading Comprehension II Semester

Додано: 29 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 749 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Although nowadays the majority of people prefer to learn out about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a wide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines in Britain (after TV guides which sell over 3 million copies a week) are women’s and pop music publications. The best-selling books are not great works of literature but stories of mystery and romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christie’s novels, for example, have sold more than 300 million copies). It has been estimated that only about 3 per cent of the population read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austin, whereas popular book sales can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisations.

People in Britain don’t read nowadays because they prefer watching TV?

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Запитання 2

Although nowadays the majority of people prefer to learn out about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a wide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines in Britain (after TV guides which sell over 3 million copies a week) are women’s and pop music publications. The best-selling books are not great works of literature but stories of mystery and romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christie’s novels, for example, have sold more than 300 million copies). It has been estimated that only about 3 per cent of the population read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austin, whereas popular book sales can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisations.

Women’s and pop music publications are very popular in Britain.

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Запитання 3

Although nowadays the majority of people prefer to learn out about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a wide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines in Britain (after TV guides which sell over 3 million copies a week) are women’s and pop music publications. The best-selling books are not great works of literature but stories of mystery and romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christie’s novels, for example, have sold more than 300 million copies). It has been estimated that only about 3 per cent of the population read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austin, whereas popular book sales can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisations.

Not many people buy TV guides.

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Запитання 4

Although nowadays the majority of people prefer to learn out about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a wide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines in Britain (after TV guides which sell over 3 million copies a week) are women’s and pop music publications. The best-selling books are not great works of literature but stories of mystery and romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christie’s novels, for example, have sold more than 300 million copies). It has been estimated that only about 3 per cent of the population read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austin, whereas popular book sales can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisations.

Stories of mystery and romance are more popular than great works of literature. 

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Запитання 5

Although nowadays the majority of people prefer to learn out about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a wide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines in Britain (after TV guides which sell over 3 million copies a week) are women’s and pop music publications. The best-selling books are not great works of literature but stories of mystery and romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christie’s novels, for example, have sold more than 300 million copies). It has been estimated that only about 3 per cent of the population read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austin, whereas popular book sales can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisations.

Only a few people in Britain read classical literature.

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Запитання 6

Although nowadays the majority of people prefer to learn out about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important leisure activity in Britain and there is a very large number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a wide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines in Britain (after TV guides which sell over 3 million copies a week) are women’s and pop music publications. The best-selling books are not great works of literature but stories of mystery and romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christie’s novels, for example, have sold more than 300 million copies). It has been estimated that only about 3 per cent of the population read «classics» such as Charles Dickens or Jane Austin, whereas popular book sales can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisations.

Agatha Christie’s novels are still popular in Britain.

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Запитання 7

Choose the right answer.

Yes, very much. (1)

варіанти відповідей

It’s just terrific! I can’t put it down!

What book is that?

As a rule I read stories based on real life.

Actually I have just started a new book.

Well, what kind of book is it?

I can say reading is my hobby.

Запитання 8


варіанти відповідей

It’s just terrific! I can’t put it down!

What book is that?

As a rule I read stories based on real life.

Actually I have just started a new book.

Well, what kind of book is it?

I can say reading is my hobby.

Запитання 9


варіанти відповідей

It’s just terrific! I can’t put it down!

What book is that?

As a rule I read stories based on real life.

Actually I have just started a new book.

Well, what kind of book is it?

I can say reading is my hobby.

Запитання 10


варіанти відповідей

It’s just terrific! I can’t put it down!

What book is that?

As a rule I read stories based on real life.

Actually I have just started a new book.

Well, what kind of book is it?

I can say reading is my hobby.

Запитання 11


варіанти відповідей

It’s just terrific! I can’t put it down!

What book is that?

As a rule I read stories based on real life.

Actually I have just started a new book.

Well, what kind of book is it?

I can say reading is my hobby.

Запитання 12


варіанти відповідей

It’s just terrific! I can’t put it down!

What book is that?

As a rule I read stories based on real life.

Actually I have just started a new book.

Well, what kind of book is it?

I can say reading is my hobby.

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