1. Oksana was studying in Britain for two years.
2. Pupils who are 16 years old study in the fifth form.
3. Pupils who are in the sixth form prepare for passing "A" Level exam.
4. To get a place at on of the British Universities pupils have to pay some fees.
5. When a pupil is 16, he / she can leave school and get professional training.
6. Comprehensive schools are rather costly for most pupils.
6. Comprehensive schools are rather costly for most pupils.
7. Oksana's host mum, Mrs Collins is a teacher of Maths.
8. Some of Oksana's friends are going to study at Harrow and Eton.
9. Oksana approves of her friends' decisions to study in the 6th form.
10. Oksana was rather bewildered to get to know that not all schools are available to all children.
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