Education and training

Додано: 16 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 57 разів
7 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Different people prepare for exams in different ways 1______ There are, however, certain guiding principles which should be followed by the vast majority of people.

варіанти відповідей

a As you complete each session, cross it out.

b Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on

e/ if you feel anxious , take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/ When the time comes for revision , looking through these helps to jog your memory.

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question 

Запитання 2

One basic principle is to start preparing for exams as soon as you start studying for them. If possible? every evening, or at the very list every week, look through what you have studied. 2_________ If you are learning a language, for example, make a vocabulary file with topic headings under which you write relative words and phrases.

варіанти відповідей

a/ As you complete each session, cross it out

b/ Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on.

e/ if you feel anxious, take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/ When the time comes for revision , looking through these helps to jog your memory.

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question 

Запитання 3

Some students like to summarize concepts and facts by putting key words or diagrams on bits of card . 3____________It also gives you something to do if you spend a lot of time on public transport.

варіанти відповідей

a/ As you complete each session, cross it out

b/ Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on.

e/ if you feel an[ious , take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/When the time comes for revision , looking through these helps to jog your memory.

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question 

Запитання 4

4. When the time comes to get down to serious revision, it is essential to do some planning . Make a list of what needs to be revised and by when , and then work out an achievable timetable. . Don't leave it too late or you may find that you haven't got enough time to do everything thoroughly.

Break down your version into chunks which are easy to manage. One idea is to draw your revision timetable on a large sheet of table and display it in a prominent place. 4____________ This shows you how much progress you are making and can act as an incentive.

варіанти відповідей

a/ As you complete each session, cross it out

b/ Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on.

e/ if you feel an[ious , take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/ When the time comes for revision , looking through these helps to jog your memory.

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question

Запитання 5

5. Find out the time of the day when you are at your best and schedule your revision work for this time. There is no point in trying to revise when you are too tired to take things in . Instead, you should reward yourself for all your hard work by relaxing and giving yourself some kind of treat. It is also vital not to work for too long a period without taking a break. 5____________For some people, listening to music and day dreaming helps their mind make sense of what has just been studied.

варіанти відповідей

a/ As you complete each session, cross it out

b/  Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on.

e/ if you feel an[ious , take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/ When the time comes for revision , looking through these helps to jog your memory.

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question

Запитання 6

6. If you go over old work that has been corrected by a teacher, look for any mistakes you made. Try to understand where you went wrong so that you can avoid repeating the errors. Are there any words that you have difficulty spelling, for example? 6__________ Look out for them in the exam.

варіанти відповідей

a/ As you complete each session, cross it out

b/  Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on.

e/ if you feel an[ious , take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/ When the time comes for revision , looking through these helps to jog your memory..

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question

Запитання 7

7. Taking the actual exam is the skill in itself, so some time before the event you should try doing some practice tests. Probably the most important thing you learn is timing. Allow time to read the questions carefully so that you follow all the instructions and give the answers the examiners are looking for. 7______Remember to leave time at the end to look through your work.

Maybe not all the ideas mentioned here are suitable for you. Decide which strategies will work best, get organized and stick to your plan. It may be hard at times, but it will be worth the effort. Good luck!

варіанти відповідей

a/ As you complete each session, cross it out

b/  Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise to stimulate your brain.

c What works for one person may not work for another.

d Sort it out into a a form that will make it easy to revise systematically later on.

e/ if you feel an[ious , take deep breath, close your eyes and relax.

f/ When the time comes for revision, looking through these helps to jog your memory.

g/ Make a list of them and keep testing yourself.

h/ Don’t spend too long on each question

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