All Clear 7 Form Unit 4

Додано: 10 лютого 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 163 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Spain has an Atlantic and a Mediterranean ______________ .

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Запитання 2

The most famous ______________ in the world is off the east coast of Australia.

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Запитання 3

The function of a ______________ is to protect ships from dangerous rocks.

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Запитання 4

When people die, they are sometimes buried in a ______________ .

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Запитання 5

There is a famous ______________ in France with pre-historic paintings.

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opera house



Запитання 6

A lot of people are trying to protect the ______________ in Brazil

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Запитання 7

La Scala is the most famous ______________ in the world.

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opera house

Запитання 8

Dracula’s ______________ is on the top of a mountain in Romania

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Запитання 9

Rewrite the sentences with adverbs.

My father is a careful driver.

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My father drives careful

My father drives carefully

My father drives the most careful

Запитання 10

She’s a beautiful singer.

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She sings more beautiful

She sings beautifully

She sings beautiful

Запитання 11

He’s a hard worker.

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He works hardly

He works more hard

He works hard

Запитання 12

She’s a good guitarist.

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She plays the guitar well

She plays the guitar good

She plays the guitar more good

Запитання 13

Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

My friend Rob is really good at sports. He’s (1) ____________________ runner in our class. He also

plays basketball well because he is very tall (1.83m) but another boy in our class is even (2)

____________________ than Rob. He is also good at school subjects, especially maths and science.

He says maths is (3) ____________________ subject because he thinks numbers are fascinating. He

thinks science is interesting too but he is (4) ____________________ at maths. Rob is (5)

____________________ person I know but there’s one thing he isn’t good at. He can’t sing. He’s an

even (6) ____________________ singer than me!

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1.the fastest

Запитання 14

Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

My friend Rob is really good at sports. He’s (1) ____________________ runner in our class. He also plays basketball well because he is very tall (1.83m) but another boy in our class is even (2)_____________than Rob. He is also good at school subjects, especially maths and science.He says maths is (3) _________subject because he thinks numbers are fascinating. He thinks science is interesting too but he is (4) _____________ at maths. Rob is (5)__________ person I know but there’s one thing he isn’t good at. He can’t sing. He’s an even (6) ___________ singer than me!

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Запитання 15

Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

My friend Rob is really good at sports. He’s (1) ____________________ runner in our class. He also plays basketball well because he is very tall (1.83m) but another boy in our class is even (2)_____________than Rob. He is also good at school subjects, especially maths and science.He says maths is (3) _________subject because he thinks numbers are fascinating. He thinks science is interesting too but he is (4) _____________ at maths. Rob is (5)__________ person I know but there’s one thing he isn’t good at. He can’t sing. He’s an even (6) ___________ singer than me!

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3. interesting

3. interestinger

3. the most interesting

Запитання 16

Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

My friend Rob is really good at sports. He’s (1) ____________________ runner in our class. He also plays basketball well because he is very tall (1.83m) but another boy in our class is even (2)_____________than Rob. He is also good at school subjects, especially maths and science.He says maths is (3) _________subject because he thinks numbers are fascinating. He thinks science is interesting too but he is (4) _____________ at maths. Rob is (5)__________ person I know but there’s one thing he isn’t good at. He can’t sing. He’s an even (6) ___________ singer than me!

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4. better

4. good

4. the best

Запитання 17

Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

My friend Rob is really good at sports. He’s (1) ____________________ runner in our class. He also plays basketball well because he is very tall (1.83m) but another boy in our class is even (2)_____________than Rob. He is also good at school subjects, especially maths and science.He says maths is (3) _________subject because he thinks numbers are fascinating. He thinks science is interesting too but he is (4) _____________ at maths. Rob is (5)__________ person I know but there’s one thing he isn’t good at. He can’t sing. He’s an even (6) ___________ singer than me!

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5. the talented

5. as talented

5. the most talanted

Запитання 18

Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

My friend Rob is really good at sports. He’s (1) ____________________ runner in our class. He also plays basketball well because he is very tall (1.83m) but another boy in our class is even (2)_____________than Rob. He is also good at school subjects, especially maths and science.He says maths is (3) _________subject because he thinks numbers are fascinating. He thinks science is interesting too but he is (4) _____________ at maths. Rob is (5)__________ person I know but there’s one thing he isn’t good at. He can’t sing. He’s an even (6) ___________ singer than me!

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6.the worst


Запитання 19

Complete the text with too, enough or not enough.

The other day I went shopping because I needed to buy some shoes. I went into a shop and found a pair that I really liked. Unfortunately, they were (1) __________ expensive and I did (2) ________ have _______ money. I went into a different shop and found another pair I liked but they were (3) _________ big ________ Then I chose a different pair. They were big (4) ________ and they weren’t (5) ________

expensive so I bought them. When I left the shop I realised I did (6) ________have

________ money for the bus fare home!

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1.not enough.

Запитання 20

Complete the text with too, enough or not enough.

The other day I went shopping because I needed to buy some shoes. I went into a shop and found a pair that I really liked. Unfortunately, they were (1) __________ expensive and I did (2) ________ have _______ money. I went into a different shop and found another pair I liked but they were (3) _________ big ________ Then I chose a different pair. They were big (4) ________ and they weren’t (5) ________

expensive so I bought them. When I left the shop I realised I did (6) ________have

________ money for the bus fare home!

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Запитання 21

Complete the text with too, enough or not enough.

The other day I went shopping because I needed to buy some shoes. I went into a shop and found a pair that I really liked. Unfortunately, they were (1) __________ expensive and I did (2) ________ have _______ money. I went into a different shop and found another pair I liked but they were (3) _________ big ________ Then I chose a different pair. They were big (4) ________ and they weren’t (5) ________

expensive so I bought them. When I left the shop I realised I did (6) ________have

________ money for the bus fare home!

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3. enough


Запитання 22

Complete the text with too, enough or not enough.

The other day I went shopping because I needed to buy some shoes. I went into a shop and found a pair that I really liked. Unfortunately, they were (1) __________ expensive and I did (2) ________ have _______ money. I went into a different shop and found another pair I liked but they were (3) _________ big ________ Then I chose a different pair. They were big (4) ________ and they weren’t (5) ________

expensive so I bought them. When I left the shop I realised I did (6) ________have

________ money for the bus fare home!

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Запитання 23

Complete the text with too, enough or not enough.

The other day I went shopping because I needed to buy some shoes. I went into a shop and found a pair that I really liked. Unfortunately, they were (1) __________ expensive and I did (2) ________ have _______ money. I went into a different shop and found another pair I liked but they were (3) _________ big ________ Then I chose a different pair. They were big (4) ________ and they weren’t (5) ________

expensive so I bought them. When I left the shop I realised I did (6) ________have

________ money for the bus fare home!

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5. enough



Запитання 24

Complete the text with too, enough or not enough.

The other day I went shopping because I needed to buy some shoes. I went into a shop and found a pair that I really liked. Unfortunately, they were (1) __________ expensive and I did (2) ________ have _______ money. I went into a different shop and found another pair I liked but they were (3) _________ big ________ Then I chose a different pair. They were big (4) ________ and they weren’t (5) ________

expensive so I bought them. When I left the shop I realised I did (6) ________have

________ money for the bus fare home!

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