All Clear 7 Unit 3

Додано: 12 листопада 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Complete the text by choosing the correct words.

Last year we went on holiday to Rome. One morning we came (1) out of / over our hotel and walked (2)across / under the street. We went (3) away from / into a small café and ordered some coffee. Then a man came into the café and walked (4) along / towards us. He sat down at our table and put his bag (5)under / down the table. The man ordered a coffee and drank it quickly. Then he got up and left but he forgot his bag. I picked it up and ran (6) through / across the door and (7)out of / up the café (8) away from / into the street. The man was walking (9)over / through a bridge (10) across / towards a bus stop. I reached him just him time.

варіанти відповідей

1 out of 2 across 3 into 4 towards 5 under 6 across 7 out of 8 into 9 over

10 towards

1 out of 2 under 3 into 4 towards 5 across 6 through 7 out of 8 into 9 over

10 towards

1 out of 2 across 3 into 4 towards 5 under 6 through 7 out of 8 into 9 over

10 towards

Запитання 2

2 Complete the sentences with the words: tired annoying tiring bored worried excited interesting surprised interested boring

1 I didn’t like the film. It was really ______________ .

2 My sister is very ______________ in science.

3 She thinks that science is really ______________ .

4 I was very ______________ at the football match. The score was 0-0.

5 We were really ___________when we passed the exam because it was difficult.

6 My friend is always late. It’s really ______________ !

7 I’m very ______________ because I went to bed late.

8 We’re going on holiday tomorrow and we’re all very ______________ !

9 I’m ______________ because I can’t find my keys.

10 The journey was very ______________ . It took six hours!

варіанти відповідей

1 boring 2 interested 3 interesting 4 bored 5 surprised 6 annoying 7 tiring 8 excited

9 worried 10 tired

1 boring 2 interested 3 interesting 4 bored 5 surprised 6 annoying 7 tired 8 excited

9 worried 10 tiring

1 boring 2 interesting 3 interested 4 bored 5 surprised 6 annoying 7 tired 8 excited

9 worried 10 tiring

Запитання 3

3. Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs:

have - not rain - run - swim - talk watch

1 I ______________ dinner when my friends arrived.

2 She lost her keys while she ______________ in the park.

3 They ______________ when they saw a shark.

4 When I saw you, you ______________ to your teacher.

5 It ______________ when we left home.

6 When our parents came home, we ______________ TV.

варіанти відповідей

1 was having 2 was running 3 was swimming 4 were talking 5 wasn’t raining

6 weren’t doing

1 was having 2 was running 3 were swimming 4 were talking 5 wasn’t raining

6 weren’t doing

1 was having 2 was running 3 were swimming 4 were talking 5 weren’t raining

6 weren’t doing

Запитання 4

4 Complete the sentences with the past continuous or past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 While I ______________ (walk) home from school, I saw an accident.

2 When I ______________ (see) the accident, I called the police.

3 The police ______________ (arrive) very quickly.

4 While they ______________ (talk) to the driver, an ambulance arrived.

5 While my sister ______________ (tidy) her room, she found her homework.

6 She was very happy when she ______________ (find) her homework.

варіанти відповідей

1 was walking 2 saw 3 arrived 4 were talking 5 were tidying 6 found

1 was walking 2 saw 3 arrived 4 were talking 5 was tidying 6 finded

1 was walking 2 saw 3 arrived 4 were talking 5 was tidying 6 found

Запитання 5

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Choose present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous.

1 I ______________ (look) for my passport at the moment.

2 He always ______________ (wear) a suit to work.

3 She ______________ (buy) a new dress on Saturday morning.

4 She ______________ (wear) it when I saw her at the party.

5 The teacher ______________ (not smile) today.

6 While my uncle ______________ (live) in America, he learnt English very well.

варіанти відповідей

1 am looking 2 wears 3 bought 4 was wearing 5 isn’t smiling 6 was living

1 am looking 2 wears 3 bought 4 is wearing 5 isn’t smiling 6 was living

1 am looking 2 wears 3 bought 4 was wearing 5 aren’t smiling 6 was living

Запитання 6

8 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

My name’s Jason. Something really strange happened to me while I was on holiday with my two friends, Tom and Joe, in Ireland last summer. We were camping near a beautiful lake in the middle of the countryside. It was more than 10 kilometres from the nearest village and we didn’t see anyone for several days. The weather was beautiful, we went swimming in the lake and played football in a field next to the lake. We were cooking our dinner when suddenly the sky went black and it started raining. It rained for six hours. Everything was wet and we couldn’t sleep in our tents. We had to look for somewhere dry to sleep. Then Tom saw an old building in

the distance. We walked towards it and saw that it was empty. The door was broken and we went inside. It was dry inside so we put our sleeping bags on the floor and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I heard a strange noise. I looked at my watch. It was midnight. Then I saw a man climbing through a window. I shouted and the man ran away. My friends woke up and I told them what happened. We were very worried and we couldn’t sleep for several hours, but in the end we fell asleep again. In the morning when we woke up, we saw that there was no window in

the place where I saw the man. It was a frightening very experience!

1 How many people went on the camping holiday?

a) two b) three

2 Where was the lake?

a) near a village b) in the middle of the countryside

3 What were they doing when it started raining?

a) They were playing tennis b) They were cooking dinner

4 How long did it rain for?

a) ten minutes b) six hours

5 Who saw the old building?

a) Tom b) Jason

6 Where did they sleep?

a) on the floor b) in their tents

7 When did Jason hear the noise?

a) midday b) midnight

варіанти відповідей

1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 a 7 b

1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 b

1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 a 7 b

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