American Countrystudy. History of the USA

Додано: 18 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 20 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

The question of the discovery of America arose again when....

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Eric the Red died

Columbus found the way to it

Vinland map was found

Запитання 2

The Vinland Map is a map of

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the world as it was known 1000 years ago

ancient Africa


Запитання 3

At first Eric the Red and his son sailed from Greenland and discovered Vinland in

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Запитання 4

At first Columbus's expectations of finding an unknown land to the west

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were supported by the king of Portugal

were loughed at for a long time

were considered very important

Запитання 5

When Columbus reached the land on the 11th October he was sure that he

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had lost his way in the ocean

had discovered a new way to India

had discovered a new continent

Запитання 6

Why is America not called Columbia?

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Amerigo Vespucci gave the name to this new continent

America was an ancient name of this continent

a mapmaker did not think of Columbus in time

Запитання 7

First Europeans who settled the America were from

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Запитання 8

They had to spend 7 long weeks in the stormy waters of the Atlantic Ocean on the board of

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the "Nina"


the "Mayflower"

the "Santa Maria"

Запитання 9

When spring came, the people of the settlement

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began their travel through the country

came back home

began to sow corn and grow maze

Запитання 10

In autumn the people of the new settlement decidedto have a holiday dinner because....

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the autumn harvest was very good

they finished to build their settlement

they wanted to taste wild turkey

Запитання 11

In the 18th centure in North America there were

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many settlements with some multi-storey buildings

50 English colonies

13 English colonies

Запитання 12

The British bourgeous didn't want the colonies

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to have an economy or their own

to become the centre of the British Empire

to stop their existence

Запитання 13

The first armed conflict between England and America occured

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in January 1621

in autumn 1620

on April 19,1775

Запитання 14

The war of Independence lasted

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8 years

100 years

5 years

Запитання 15

On July 4, 1776 the colonies declered themselves

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a Democratic Republic

a Monarchy

independent countries

Запитання 16

The Declaration of Independence was written by

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George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Запитання 17

After the war of Independence the first president became

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George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Запитання 18

England officially declared that the war ended

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on July 4,1776

on September 3,1783

on April 19, 1775

Запитання 19

By 1840 one third of people in the US lived

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on the west of Appalachian Mountains

on the western borders to the Rocky Mountains

along the Pacific ocean

Запитання 20

abolitionists are

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people who came to the shores of America

people who wanted to be free from England

people who spoke against slavery

Запитання 21

The reason for the Civil War was

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freedom from England

freedom for slaves

freedom from Indians

Запитання 22

Who is Jefferson Davis?

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president of the Confederate States of America

he wrote the Constituon of Independence

Condidate for president from the Respublican Party

Запитання 23

When did the Civi War end?

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September 1783

April 1861

April 1865

Запитання 24

At the end of the Civil War the president became

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George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

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