American Theatre

Додано: 12 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 24 рази
11 запитань
Запитання 1

American theatre is

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very young

over 200 years old

1000 years old

Запитання 2

The center of the USA theatrical world is

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in a section of New York City on and ner Broadway

in Hollywood, the District of Los Angeles

in Washington, the capital of the USA

Запитання 3

The Broadway theatre is

варіанти відповідей

a theatre of young amateurs

a free of charge theatre

a truly commercial enterprise

Запитання 4

the Living theatre was formed after WWII and known as

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the new Broadway theatre

the theatre of amateurs

the off Broadway

Запитання 5

Off-Off Broadway theatre is another trend which performs...

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in all famous theatres all over the world

in coffe-houses, offices and stores

in expensive restaurants and hotels

Запитання 6

The Off-Off Broadway theatres' performances are

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free of charges


Запитання 7

the actors and producers of Off-Off theatres are

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young amateurs

well-known actors and producers

famous European actors and producers

Запитання 8

During the performances the actors of the Off-Off Broadway theatres persuade the audience

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to react in one or another way speaking with them

to keep silence

to go home immediatly

Запитання 9

Eugene O'Neill was the first important American playwright

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serious, nonmusical drama

Запитання 10

E. O'Neil received the Nobel prize in Literature and the Pulitzer Prize in drama

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4 times


Запитання 11

The theatre and television in the USA

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influence each other to some extinct

quarrel with each other

bear no relation to each other

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