An invitation to a job interview

Додано: 2 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 81 раз
6 запитань
Запитання 1

To: John Yang

Date: 6 September

Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of auto repair mechanic.

We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of auto repair department, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.

If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Anna Green

Human Resources Assistant

What job did John apply for?

варіанти відповідей

Head of sales

Auto repair mechanic

Sales assistant

Human resource assistant

Запитання 2

To: John Yang

Date: 6 September

Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of auto repair mechanic.

We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of auto repair department, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.

If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Anna Green

Human Resources Assistant

When is the job interview?

варіанти відповідей

6 September

12 September

21 September

22 September

Запитання 3

To: John Yang

Date: 6 September

Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of auto repair mechanic.

We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of auto repair department, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.

If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Anna Green

Human Resources Assistant

How long will the interview take?

варіанти відповідей

Under an hour

Just over an hour

Over two hours

A day

Запитання 4

To: John Yang

Date: 6 September

Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of auto repair mechanic.

We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of auto repair department, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.

If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Anna Green

Human Resources Assistant

What does John need to bring to the interview?

варіанти відповідей

His CV

His references

His ID

All of the above

Запитання 5

To: John Yang

Date: 6 September

Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of auto repair mechanic.

We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of auto repair department, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.

If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Anna Green

Human Resources Assistant

Who should John ask for at reception?

варіанти відповідей

The reception manager

Susan Park

Anna Green

John Yang

Запитання 6

To: John Yang

Date: 6 September

Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of auto repair mechanic.

We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of auto repair department, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. Please ask for me as soon as you arrive.

If you have any questions or if you wish to reschedule, please call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Anna Green

Human Resources Assistant

What can John do if he wants to change the interview date?

варіанти відповідей

Go to the reception on 12 September

Call Anna Green on 10 September

Email Anna Green on 15 September

Meet Susan Park for a coffee on 21 September

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