Англійська мова. Діагностичне тестування

Додано: 30 січня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1


Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7 choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts.  

1 Rebecca is American.

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Запитання 2

Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7 choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts.  

2 The girl sometimes watches TV.

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Запитання 3


Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7 choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts. 

  3 Rebecca watches movies on her laptop.

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Запитання 4

Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7 choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts. 

4 She enjoys listening to music on her smartphone.

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Запитання 5

Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7 choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts. 

5 She plays tennis on weekdays.

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Запитання 6

Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts.  

6 Rebecca`s favourite band is from China.

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Запитання 7

Read the text about a famous blogger. For statements 1-7choose T or F

Hello! I`m Rebecca from Canada. I`m a famous blogger and I often get e-mails or messages from my followers and fans with lots of different questions. Today I am going to answer some of them. As for my favourite TV shows, I haven`t got any because I never watch TV. I usually watch some interesting videos or movies in the Internet on my tablet. I love listening to music on my smartphone. I always listen to music when I play tennis with my friends at the weekends. Also, I listen to music when I do some work around the house or even when I study. My favourite band is BTS. It`s a great Korean band and the boys are famous all over the world now. I usually go to all their concerts. In my free time I enjoy cooking but I never show it in my blog. It`s my secret hobby. I can make perfect sweet things like cakes, biscuits and other delicious desserts.

7 The girl loves making desserts

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Запитання 8

Choose the correct words

I often -----------(to watch ) TV in the evening

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am watching

is watching

Запитання 9

Choose the correct words

She-------------------( to bake) a cake now

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is baking

are baking


Запитання 10

Choose the correct words

- She ________(not to go) to school on Sunday.

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isn`t go

doesn`t go

aren`t go

is going

Запитання 11

Choose the correct words

She isn`t watching TV now!!!She ------------( to do) her homework now

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are doing

is doing



Запитання 12

Choose the correct words

?________he______(to play) football every day

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Is he playing

Are he playing

Does he plays

Does he play

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