A person who doesn’t like working hard is …
A person who always tells the truth is ...
A person who doesn’t like meeting new people is…
My room is not so big as yours.
You get up as early as me.
Собор святого Павла не такий старий, як Вестмінстерське абатство.
While I was talking, the pupils ____.
You ……………….get back before it gets too dark outside.
Children ……….….skip their breakfast.
While my dad was reading a newspaper, my mum ___ (cook).
Around 9 pm yesterday we ___ (watch) a movie.
Yesterday between 6 and 7 p.m. mother ______ (make) a cake for the coming party.
I _____ (help) my granny last Saturday.
Cindy _____(talk) on the telephone while her parents ______(work) in the garden.
At 10 pm last night Jill ____(tell) her mother about her day
at school.
If you want to come to the concert, you …buy the tickets now.
He ____ (watch) TV at 5 o'clock yesterday.
Kevin and John ____ (play) football all day yesterday.
Her friend ____ (listen) to music about two hours the day before yesterday.
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