Англійська мова (сімейна освіта 5)

Додано: 19 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 32 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Luka and Dan are the best friends. They go the same school and live in the same city Kyiv. But Luka goes to the 5 form and Dan goes to the 6 form. They both are found of Music and computer games.

          Luka has got dark straight hair and brown eyes. He is good at History and has many books. Also he has elder brother Tom from 9 form. Dan hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. But he has got a dog. Its name is Archi. Dan has got     blond hair and green eyes. He is an excellent pupil. He is good at Maths and all subjects. Dan collects coins and has 73 of them. The best coin is 10 penny 1345 year old.

1)   What form does Luka go?

варіанти відповідей

a) 6th   

b) 5th     


Запитання 2

      Luka and Dan are the best friends. They go the same school and live in the same city Kyiv. But Luka goes to the 5 form and Dan goes to the 6 form. They both are found of Music and computer games.

          Luka has got dark straight hair and brown eyes. He is good at History and has many books. Also he has elder brother Tom from 9 form. Dan hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. But he has got a dog. Its name is Archi. Dan has got     blond hair and green eyes. He is an excellent pupil. He is good at Maths and all subjects. Dan collects coins and has 73 of them. The best coin is 10 penny 1345 year old.

2.Who is found of computer games?

варіанти відповідей

a) Luka    

b) Dan

 c) two boys  

Запитання 3

      Luka and Dan are the best friends. They go the same school and live in the same city Kyiv. But Luka goes to the 5 form and Dan goes to the 6 form. They both are found of Music and computer games.

          Luka has got dark straight hair and brown eyes. He is good at History and has many books. Also he has elder brother Tom from 9 form. Dan hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. But he has got a dog. Its name is Archi. Dan has got     blond hair and green eyes. He is an excellent pupil. He is good at Maths and all subjects. Dan collects coins and has 73 of them. The best coin is 10 penny 1345 year old.

   Luka has got …… eyes.

варіанти відповідей

a) brown    

 b) blue      

 c) black

Запитання 4

Luka and Dan are the best friends. They go the same school and live in the same city Kyiv. But Luka goes to the 5 form and Dan goes to the 6 form. They both are found of Music and computer games.

          Luka has got dark straight hair and brown eyes. He is good at History and has many books. Also he has elder brother Tom from 9 form. Dan hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. But he has got a dog. Its name is Archi. Dan has got     blond hair and green eyes. He is an excellent pupil. He is good at Maths and all subjects. Dan collects coins and has 73 of them. The best coin is 10 penny 1345 year old.

Dan has got a ….. 

варіанти відповідей

a)   brothers 

 b) sister  

  c) a dog  

Запитання 5

   Luka and Dan are the best friends. They go the same school and live in the same city Kyiv. But Luka goes to the 5 form and Dan goes to the 6 form. They both are found of Music and computer games.

          Luka has got dark straight hair and brown eyes. He is good at History and has many books. Also he has elder brother Tom from 9 form. Dan hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. But he has got a dog. Its name is Archi. Dan has got     blond hair and green eyes. He is an excellent pupil. He is good at Maths and all subjects. Dan collects coins and has 73 of them. The best coin is 10 penny 1345 year old.

Dan is good at …… .

варіанти відповідей

а) English     

  b) Art    

  c) all subjects

Запитання 6

 Luka and Dan are the best friends. They go the same school and live in the same city Kyiv. But Luka goes to the 5 form and Dan goes to the 6 form. They both are found of Music and computer games.

          Luka has got dark straight hair and brown eyes. He is good at History and has many books. Also he has elder brother Tom from 9 form. Dan hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. But he has got a dog. Its name is Archi. Dan has got     blond hair and green eyes. He is an excellent pupil. He is good at Maths and all subjects. Dan collects coins and has 73 of them. The best coin is 10 penny 1345 year old.

 How many years does the best coin have?

варіанти відповідей

 а) 1456    

 b) 1345     

 c) 1375

Запитання 7

Fill in much or many. 

How ________ sugar is in this tea?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

How ________ apples are on the table?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

How ________ bread do you need?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

There is _________milk.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

We have not got _____ chocolate.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Do you need ____ eggs for your cake?

варіанти відповідей



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