
Додано: 2 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 170 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the meaning of the word:


варіанти відповідей

an act of entertaining

a performance or show

such things as flims, television, performances, etc. that amuse or interest people

Запитання 2

Choose the meaning of the word: ballet

варіанти відповідей

the use of only the movements of your body and face to tell a story or express yourself.

 a type of dancing used for telling a story, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training.

a play or film in which there are a lot of songs.

Запитання 3

Choose the meaning of the word: musical

варіанти відповідей

a play or film in which there are a lot of songs.

a series of moving pictures with sound that you can watch at the cinema or at home.

a type of dancing used for telling a story, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training.

Запитання 4

Choose the meaning of the word: cast

варіанти відповідей

all the performers in a film, play etc

a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc

someone who is in charge of making a film or programme, or getting a play ready for performance, especially by telling the actors and technical staff what to do.

Запитання 5

Choose the meaning of the word: plot

варіанти відповідей

a translation of what people are saying in a foreign language film or television programme, that appears at the bottom of the screen.

a series of related events that make up the main story in a book, film etc. 

 the music that is played during a film or television programme, or a CD of this music.

Запитання 6

Choose the meaning of the word: script

варіанти відповідей

words for play/film etc

a book, film, play etc that continues the story of an earlier one

a translation of what people are saying in a foreign language film or television programme, that appears at the bottom of the screen

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