At the shopping centre

Додано: 11 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 111 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

What day is it? 

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Запитання 2

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

What are Tim and Tina doing?

варіанти відповідей

They are playing with their mother

They are reading with their mother

 They are shopping with their mother

Запитання 3

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

Where do they go?

варіанти відповідей

 They go to a big shopping center.

They go to a market.

They go to school.

Запитання 4

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

What do they buy in the supermarket?

варіанти відповідей

They buy rice, fish and carrots.

They buy chicken, meat and fruit

They buy chicken, rice and vegetables.

Запитання 5

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

What do they buy in the sports shop?   

варіанти відповідей

They buy a T-shirt in the sports shop.

They buy trainers in the sports shop.

They buy a sweater in the sports shop .

Запитання 6

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

What does mother buy in the bookshop?  

варіанти відповідей

She buys a copy-book in the bookshop.

She buys a storybook in the bookshop.

She buys a magazine in the bookshop.

Запитання 7

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

Where do they eat?

варіанти відповідей

 They eat  in the fast food restaurant.

  They eat in the cinema.

 They eat in the café.

Запитання 8

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It’s Saturday afternoon and Tim and Tina are shopping with their mother. They go to a big shopping center. It has got many different types of shops. It has also got restaurants and a big cinema. First the go to the supermarket. They buy chicken, rice and vegetables. Then she takes the children to a sports shop. She buys trainers for Tim in the sports shop. Then they go to a book shop. Here mother buys a storybook for Tina. After that they are very hungry and they all go to a fast food restaurant. Finally, mother and the children go to the cinema.

Where do they go finally?

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Finally they go to the playground.

Finally they go to the cinema.

Finally they go to the sports-ground.

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