Books WB p.51 Karpiuk

Додано: 1 лютого 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 83 рази
11 запитань
Запитання 1

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Stories that writers make up in their imagination are called ... 

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Запитання 2

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A ... is usually a long book. Its plot (main story) is packed with twists and turns, and it may have several subplots (smaller stories within the main story).

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Запитання 3

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Some people like to read ... stories that depict life that may exist on other planets or life in the future. 

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science fiction


Запитання 4

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A ... tells a story through its characters. The characters, played by actors, speak words called a dialogue. The plot, or story, is told through the dialogue. 

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Запитання 5

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... deals with the lighter side of life. It pokes fun at people and usually ends happily.

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An emotion

A funny story

Запитання 6

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A ... is a list of all the books or resources in a library.

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Запитання 7

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Books are normally kept… 

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the person who can help you in a library.

on a bookshelf.

is a library.

in the art section.

Запитання 8

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If you want to find books about famous painters, look…

варіанти відповідей


the person who can help you in a library.

on a bookshelf.

is a library.

in the art section.

Запитання 9

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An atlas is a book with lots of…

варіанти відповідей


the person who can help you in a library.

on a bookshelf.

is a library.

in the art section.

Запитання 10

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A librarian is…

варіанти відповідей


the person who can help you in a library.

on a bookshelf.

is a library.

in the art section.

Запитання 11

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The place from where you can borrow books… 

варіанти відповідей


the person who can help you in a library.

on a bookshelf.

is a library.

in the art section.

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