Business Letters

Додано: 2 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 100 разів
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct picture.

I can't understand why people use different means of transport for travelling. As for me, a nice walk in the mountains is more interesting and is better for health. You can enjoy nature and have a lot of fun with your friends.

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Запитання 2

Офіійний лист закінчуємо написанням .....

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Jane White

See you,


Запитання 3

To travel on business

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Подорожувати задля задоволення

Подорожувати у справах


Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But when he goes to another city he takes a train. Dave doesn't like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all it's not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

3. How does he travel when he goes to another city?

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by train

by plane

by bus

on foot

Запитання 5

Who can help with the transport and the planning of your holidays?

варіанти відповідей

Railway station


Travel agencies


Запитання 6

The best way to study geography is to ...

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Запитання 7

8. Travelling allows you to learn about people’s life in other countries and continents.

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Запитання 8

9. I think it is very boring to discover new things, new places and different ways of life.

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Запитання 9

It is a modern art gallery where you can really escape from the daily routine and plunge into the world of art. Every season, it has new expositions with paintings, and also installations and performance art. Each of six floors has a guide, who tells the story behind the work.

варіанти відповідей

The Museum of Russian Art

The Expocentre 

Pinchuk Art Centre

The National Opera of Ukraine,

Запитання 10

It is the complex of the museum, in addition to the Motherland Monument, there is an alley, dedicated to all the people who fought in World War 2 and a museum, which showcases over 15,000 exhibits, including official documents, personal belongings of the soldiers, their weapons and photographs, awards, fragments of military correspondence and personal diaries

варіанти відповідей

The Motherland Monument

The Museum of Weapons

The Museum of Ukraine in the Second World War

The Historical Museum

Запитання 11

It is a part of the natural reserve fund of Ukraine. In addition to the rich flora, it’s well worth seeing the Trinity Monastery of St. Jonas, located on the garden, with ancient murals from the 19th century. There is also a beautiful greenhouse complex that has various kinds of tropical flowers, cacti, succulents and palm trees.

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Holosiivskii Park


The Botanical Garden 

The Central Park

Запитання 12

7 «They have something to declare».?

варіанти відповідей

Вони заповнюють декларацію

Вони мають деякі речі, які не треба декларувати

Вони задекларували свій дохід

Вони мають деякі речі, які треба декларувати

Запитання 13

10 «There are a few points to discuss».

варіанти відповідей

Треба відповісти на декілька запитань

Треба обговорити декілька питань

Треба підготувати декілька питань

Треба розв’язати декілька питань

Запитання 14

12«I’ll be away from my office for a few days».

варіанти відповідей

Я буду присутнім в офісі на протязі кількох днів

Я буду відсутнім в офісі на протязі кількох днів

Я працюю в офісі щодня

Я зайшов до офісу на пару хвилин

Запитання 15

13«Please send us a current price list»

варіанти відповідей

-Будь ласка, надішліть ваш теперішній прас-лист

-Будь ласка, надрукуйте новий прас-лист

-Будь ласка, змініть ціни у прас-листі

-Будь ласка, поверніть наш прас-лист

Запитання 16

14 Translate from English in to Ukrainian "customer enquiry". ?

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-попит клієнта

-запит продавця

-запит клієнта

-попит продавця

Запитання 17

15Translate from English in to Ukrainian "value". ?

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