My friend never lets me down. She is __________.
Olena is very shy. She ________ meeting new people.
Most teachers in my school usually treat every pupil the same. They are ________.
Ambitious people always want to be ________.
My mother never forgets to do things, always consciously makes decisions. She is __________.
My elder sister is extremely ___________. She wants to become prime minister one day.
Oleh's aunt always thinks about him and gives him presents. She is ____________.
Some our classmates don't like working hard. They are __________.
Some people feel like they are the only ones who have negative experiences.
They are satisfied with anything, they are always ___________.
Sheila likes talking to people. She is__________.
Kate is friendly and sociable. She enjoys meeting people, going for parties and other celebrations.
My father is very __________. He always tells the truth.
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