
Додано: 16 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text.

This day is a celebration of love. It is on 14th February. It is a tradition to give or send presents, flowers, sweets and postcards to people you like. These presents are usually in the shape of a heart as a symbol of love. A lot of couples also go for dinner or to the cinema. The most popular colours on this day are pink and red.

Then choose true + or false -

The 14th of February is St Valentine’s Day.

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Запитання 2

Read the text.

This day is a celebration of love. It is on 14th February. It is a tradition to give or send presents, flowers, sweets and postcards to people you like. These presents are usually in the shape of a heart as a symbol of love. A lot of couples also go for dinner or to the cinema. The most popular colours on this day are pink and red.

Then choose true + or false -

The 14th of February is Easter Day.

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Запитання 3

Read the text.

This day is a celebration of love. It is on 14th February. It is a tradition to give or send presents, flowers, sweets and postcards to people you like. These presents are usually in the shape of a heart as a symbol of love. A lot of couples also go for dinner or to the cinema. The most popular colours on this day are pink and red.

Then choose true + or false -

People give or send presents on St Valentine’s Day.

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Запитання 4

Read the text.

This day is a celebration of love. It is on 14th February. It is a tradition to give or send presents, flowers, sweets and postcards to people you like. These presents are usually in the shape of a heart as a symbol of love. A lot of couples also go for dinner or to the cinema. The most popular colours on this day are pink and red.

Then choose true + or false -

People give or send pumpkins on St Valentine’s Day.

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Запитання 5

Read the text.

This day is a celebration of love. It is on 14th February. It is a tradition to give or send presents, flowers, sweets and postcards to people you like. These presents are usually in the shape of a heart as a symbol of love. A lot of couples also go for dinner or to the cinema. The most popular colours on this day are pink and red.

Then choose true + or false -

The most popular colours on St Valentine’s Day are pink and blue.

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Запитання 6

Read the text.

This day is a celebration of love. It is on 14th February. It is a tradition to give or send presents, flowers, sweets and postcards to people you like. These presents are usually in the shape of a heart as a symbol of love. A lot of couples also go for dinner or to the cinema. The most popular colours on this day are pink and red.

Then choose true + or false -

The most popular colours on St Valentine’s Day are pink and red.

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