Метою даного теста є комплексна перевірка знань студентів спеціальності 073 "Менеджмент" з предмету " Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням".
Тест розроблено за підручником " Management" by Arthur McKeown, Ros Wright із серії підручників Professional English in Use, Cambridge University Press
What is Managing?
What does a person need to be a good manager?
What are the types of organizational structure?
The sectors of Management using:
What resources do managers use?
Where entrepreneurs can find funding for their new enterprise?
What is Innovation in Management?
What is Creativity in Management?
What stages does Innovation consist of?
What two roles do consumers play?
Who are lead users?
What do companies usually establish screening criteria for ?
What factors does screening criteria usually involve?
The new product development process uses:
Stage – Gate Process is:
What is the other term for product launch ?
More formal primary marketing research involves:
Diffusion of innovation is...
What stages does diffusion of innovation involve?
There are several ways of protecting ideas, inventions and intellectual properties:
The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as
Modern marketing management is very...
Marketing begins with
What process is known as marketing planning?
Marketing planning is based on …
The contents of a strategic marketing plan are as follows:
The marketing mix refers to…
The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix:
A product life cycle is
A product’s life cycle is usually broken down into some stages:
What factors examining does STEEP analysis involve?
What do they use in the main data collection stage?
What is value chain by Porter?
In his concept of value chain, Porter splits a business’s activities into 2 categories…
What components do primary activities consist of?
What components do support activities consist of?
What is a supply chain?
What is supply chain management?
What is purchasing?
What is quality assurance (QA) ?
What is recruitment ?
What is job satisfaction?
What are the factors that lead to job satisfaction?
Hackman & Oldham’s job characteristics model was based on the idea…
What job characteristics must be in place to achieve employee satisfaction ?
How do you define team development?
What are the stages of team development?
What is learning organization?
Transactional leadership is defined by…
What is transformational leadership?
What are the elements of transformational leadership?
What are the characteristics of a leader according Warren Bennis?
What is financial accounting?
What is management accounting?
What is activity – based costing (ABC)?
Financial analysts use financial ratio analysis to highlight:
What is hedging?
What is diversification?
What is the first rule of investing?
What is Net Present Value (NPV) ?
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