Computer sciences

Додано: 29 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 344 рази
40 запитань
Запитання 1

A program which processes data in batches

варіанти відповідей

batch processing program

batch transmission program

batch conversion package

magnetic card reader

Запитання 2

The computer’s main circuit board. It holds the CPU, RAM modules, and most of the circuitry. All adapter cards plug into it. It defines how much RAM, adapter cards, and the type of CPU the computer is going to have.

варіанти відповідей


Processor (CPU)

Memory (RAM)

Video Card (GPU – Graphics Processing Unit)

Запитання 3

It sends the visual output that a program produces to the monitor, which displays it on the screen. For gamers and others who use very high end graphics or special video work regularly, the it is the most expensive part of the computer. These cards also run very hot and most have a fan on the side.

варіанти відповідей


Processor (CPU)

Memory (RAM)

Video Card (GPU – Graphics Processing Unit)

Запитання 4

It holds “short term” information for the processor to use. This may be a program or a set of data. The processor is able to retrieve information from it at very high speeds. When the processor needs information that is not in it, it has to read the information from the hard drive, which is much slower.

варіанти відповідей


Processor (CPU)

Memory (RAM)

Video Card (GPU – Graphics Processing Unit)

Запитання 5

It is the brain of the computer and the most important chip in the computer. When a program is run, it performs the calculations and carries out the commands.

варіанти відповідей


Processor (CPU)

Memory (RAM)

Video Card (GPU – Graphics Processing Unit)

Запитання 6

The monitor works with a ... located inside the computer case, to display images and text on the screen.

варіанти відповідей


flat-panel displays

video card

Запитання 7

Any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the keyboard or mouse. It also includes all of the computer's internal parts, which you can see in the image below.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do and how to do it. Examples of software include web browsers, games, and word processors. Below, you can see an image of Microsoft PowerPoint, which is used to create presentations.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

A computer that serves up information to other computers on a network. For example, whenever you use the Internet, you're looking at something that's stored on a server. Many businesses also use local file ... to store and share files internally.

варіанти відповідей


fitness tracker

Game console

IBM PC Compatible

Запитання 10

Handheld computers that are even more portable than laptops. Instead of a keyboard and mouse, they use a touch-sensitive screen for typing and navigation.

варіанти відповідей

Tablet computers

file servers


Game consoles

Запитання 11

The computer case is the metal and plastic box that contains the main components of the computer, including the motherboard, central processing unit (CPU), and power supply. The front of the case usually has an ... and one or more optical drives.

варіанти відповідей

flat-panel display

On/Off button

cathode ray tube

liquid crystal display

Запитання 12

The mouse is another important tool for communicating with computers. Commonly known as a pointing device, it lets you point to objects on the screen, click on them, and move them.

There are two main mouse types:

варіанти відповідей

moving and rolling

 interactive, optical and mechanical

optical and mechanical

drawing, optical and mechanical

Запитання 13

Touchpad: A touchpad—also called a trackpad—is a touch-sensitive pad that lets you control the pointer by making a drawing motion with your finger. Touchpads are common on

варіанти відповідей

IBM PC Compatible

laptop computers

fitness trackers

desktop computers

Запитання 14

This is where you'll connect the power cord to the computer.

варіанти відповідей

Power Socket

Serial Port

Ethernet Port

Audio In/Audio Out

Запитання 15

Almost every computer has two or more audio ports where you can connect various devices, including speakers, microphones, and headsets.

варіанти відповідей

Power Socket

Serial Port

Ethernet Port

Audio In/Audio Out

Запитання 16

This port looks a lot like the modem or telephone port, but it is slightly wider. You can use this port for networking and connecting to the Internet.

варіанти відповідей

Power Socket

Serial Port

Ethernet Port

Audio In/Audio Out

Запитання 17

This port is less common on today's computers. It was frequently used to connect peripherals like digital cameras, but it has been replaced by USB and other types of ports.

варіанти відповідей

Power Socket

Serial Port

Ethernet Port

Audio In/Audio Out

Запитання 18

These empty slots are where expansion cards are added to computers. For example, if your computer did not come with a video card, you could purchase one and install it here.

варіанти відповідей


Parallel Port

Expansion Slots

Monitor Port

Запитання 19

Serial Port

варіанти відповідей

This port is less common on today's computers. It was frequently used to connect peripherals like digital cameras, but it has been replaced by USB and other types of ports.

This port looks a lot like the modem or telephone port, but it is slightly wider. You can use this port for networking and connecting to the Internet.

On most desktop computers, most of the USB ports are on the back of the computer case. Generally, you'll want to connect your mouse and keyboard to these ports and keep the front USB ports free so they can be used for digital cameras and other devices.

Запитання 20

Printers: A printer is used to print documents, photos, and anything else that appears on your screen. There are many types of printers, including inkjetlaser, and photo printers. There are even all-in-one printers, which can also ...

варіанти відповідей

save a physical image or document to your computer as a digital (computer-readable) image

scan and copy documents.

send information from the computer to the user

connect a microphone to record sound or talk with someone else over the Internet.

Запитання 21

web camera—or webcam—is a type of input device that

варіанти відповідей

can transmit video over the Internet in real time

allows for video chat or video conferencing

can record videos and take pictures

can plug many different types of devices into the extra ports on your computer.

Запитання 22

The motherboard is the computer's main circuit board. It's a thin plate that holds ____________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________. The motherboard connects directly or indirectly to every part of the computer.

варіанти відповідей



connectors for the hard drive and optical drives

expansion cards to control the video and audio

connections to your computer's ports (such as USB ports)

two-inch ceramic squares with a silicon chip located inside

the power from the wall outlet to the type of power needed by the computer.

speakers or headphones

Запитання 23

RAM is your system's short-term memory. Whenever your computer performs calculations, it temporarily stores the data in the RAM until it is needed.

This short-term memory disappears when the computer is turned off. If you're working on a document, spreadsheet, or other type of file, you'll need to save it to avoid losing it. When you save a file, the data is written to the hard drive, which acts as long-term storage.

RAM is measured in ______________ and _______________. The more RAM you have, the more things your computer can do at the same time. If you don't have enough RAM, you may notice that your computer is sluggish when you have several programs open. Because of this, many people add extra RAM to their computers to improve performance.

варіанти відповідей

megabytes (MB)

gigabytes (GB)



Запитання 24

The hard drive is where your software, documents, and other files are stored. The hard drive is long-term storage, which means the data is still saved even if you turn the computer off or unplug it.

When you run a program or open a file, the computer copies some of the data from the hard drive onto the RAM. When you save a file, the data is copied back to the hard drive. The faster the hard drive, the faster your computer can _________________________.

варіанти відповідей

start up and load programs.

touching the inside of the computer

discharge any static buildup

damage your machine

Запитання 25

The sound card—also called an audio card—is responsible for what you hear in the speakers or headphones. Most motherboards have integrated sound, but you can upgrade to a dedicated sound card for __________________________.

варіанти відповідей

high-quality sound

high-qualified sound

higher-quality sound

highest-qualities sounds

Запитання 26

How is a laptop different from a desktop?

Because laptops are designed for portability, there are some important differences between them and desktop computers. A laptop has an all-in-one design, with a built-in monitorkeyboardtouchpad (which replaces the mouse), and speakers. This means it is fully functional, even when no peripherals are connected. A laptop is also quicker to set up, and there are fewer cables to get in the way.

You'll also have to the option to connect a regular mouse, larger monitor, and other peripherals. This basically turns your laptop into a desktop computer, with one main difference: You can easily disconnect the peripherals and take the laptop with you wherever you go.

Choose five main differences you can expect with a laptop.

варіанти відповідей

Touchpad: A touchpad—also called a trackpad—is a touch-sensitive pad that lets you control the pointer by making a drawing motion with your finger.

Battery: Every laptop has a battery, which allows you to use the laptop when it's not plugged in. Whenever you plug in the laptop, the battery recharges. Another benefit of having a battery is that it can provide backup power to the laptop if the power goes out.

AC adapter: A laptop usually has a specialized power cable called an AC adapter, which is designed to be used with that specific type of laptop.

Ports: Most laptops have the same types of ports found on desktop computers (such as USB), although they usually have fewer ports to save space. However, some ports may be different, and you may need an adapter in order to use them.

Price: Generally speaking, laptops tend to be more expensive than a desktop computer with the same internal components. While you may find that some basic laptops cost less than desktop computers, these are usually much less powerful machines.

Different computing experience. The most obvious difference is that tablet computers don't have keyboards or touchpads. Instead, the entire screen is touch-sensitive, allowing you to type on a virtual keyboard and use your finger as a mouse pointer.

Standard features include a high-quality digital camera and the ability to play digital music and video files. 

Запитання 27

It is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without it, a computer is useless.

варіанти відповідей

iconsbuttons, and menus

graphical user interface

graphics and text

operating system

Запитання 28

You may have heard people talking about using a program, an application, or an app. But what exactly does that mean? Simply put, an app is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks. Applications for desktop or laptop computers are sometimes called desktop applications, while those for mobile devices are called mobile apps.

When you open an application, it runs inside the ...

варіанти відповідей


operating system



Запитання 29

web browser is the tool you use to access the Internet. Most computers come with a web browser pre-installed, but you can also download a different one if you prefer. Examples of browsers include

варіанти відповідей

Windows Media Player and iTunes

Solitaire, Halo

Internet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxGoogle Chrome, and Safari.

Запитання 30

Many computer cables will only fit a specific way. If the cable doesn't fit, _________________________________________________________. Make sure the plug aligns with the port, then connect it.

варіанти відповідей

force it, you might not damage the connectors

force it and you will never damage the connectors

don't force it or you might damage the connectors.

don't force it only damage the connectors

Запитання 31


варіанти відповідей

Data Communications Equipment

Distributed Computing Environment 

Distributed Computing Equipment

Dynamic Data Exchange

Запитання 32

CTRL Break is the same to

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 33

Computer code is essentially a list of instructions that can be run by a certain program. Most code consists of plain-text documents so they can be used for many different programs. A unique file extension is given to the document to indicate the nature of the code. For example, a file created using Python is saved with a .py extension, like '' However, the actual content of the file is still just plain text.

Because most code is in plain text, you can write code using a basic word processor or text editor. However, it is much more effective to use a software application that is specifically designed for coding in a particular language. For example, when you write a document in plain English, you would use word processor software, which can assist you with things such as formatting, spelling, and grammar. Similarly, a code editor provides tools such as syntax checking. Syntax is to code what spelling and grammar are to writing English.

A code editor is also called an ___________, or IDE. An IDE is a software application for formatting your code, checking syntax, as well as running and testing your code. Some IDEs can work with multiple programming languages, while some are very specific for only one language.

варіанти відповідей

integration development environment

integrated development environment

integrated developing environment

integrated development environmentally

Запитання 34

Computer code is essentially a list of instructions that can be run by a certain program. Most code consists of plain-text documents so they can be used for many different programs. A unique file extension is given to the document to indicate the nature of the code. For example, a file created using Python is saved with a .py extension, like '' However, the actual content of the file is still just plain text.

Because most code is in plain text, you can write code using a basic word processor or ______________ . However, it is much more effective to use a software application that is specifically designed for coding in a particular language. For example, when you write a document in plain English, you would use word processor software, which can assist you with things such as formatting, spelling, and grammar. Similarly, a code editor provides tools such as syntax checking.

варіанти відповідей

syntax highlighting

formatting, spelling, and grammar

text editor

various elements of the code

Запитання 35

The control unit of the central processing unit _____ __ ____ the operations of the computer. It selects and retrieves instructions from the main memory in proper sequence and interprets them so as to activate the other functional elements of the system at the appropriate moment to perform their respective operations. All input data are transferred via the main memory to the arithmetic-logic unit for processing, which involves the four basic arithmetic functions (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and certain logic operations such as the comparing of data and the selection of the desired problem-solving procedure or a viable alternative based on predetermined decision criteria.

варіанти відповідей

separates and modifies

regulates and integrates

transfers and designates

distributes and determines

Запитання 36

Types of circuits (choose 4)

варіанти відповідей

electronic analog




complex and sophisticated


Запитання 37

The first electronic digital computer called ENIAC was built in...

варіанти відповідей

1937 in Paris.

1945 in Philadelphia.

1954 in Washington.

1955 by Apple.

Запитання 38

Computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as... (choose 4)

варіанти відповідей






data interpretation

Запитання 39

What was the minicomputer Xerox Alto (1973)?

варіанти відповідей

a landmark step in the design of personal computers

a landmark step in the development of laptop computers

a landmark step in the development of personal computers

a backward step in the development of personal computers

Запитання 40

MDGrade -3 was designed for...

варіанти відповідей

manufacturing purposes

educational purposes

functional purposes

pharmaceutical purposes

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