Control listening

Додано: 6 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 197 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris earns £5 an hour at the café.' TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 2

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris never tries to save any money.' TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 3

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris often buys things for his friends.' TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 4

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris sometimes checks other shops to see if things are cheaper there.' TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 5

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris doesn’t like borrowing money.' TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 6

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Jonathan thinks that people waste too much time shopping.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 7

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Jonathan thinks borrowing money from banks is a bad idea.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY.

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Doesn't say

Запитання 8

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Jonathan thinks that people shouldn’t use banks.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS).

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Запитання 9

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris gets £5 a week pocket money.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS).

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Запитання 10

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris spends over £30 a week at the shopping centre.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS).

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Запитання 11

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris never checks other shops to see if things are cheaper there.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS).

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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Запитання 12

You will hear part of a radio programme about money. Mark the sentence 'Boris quite likes borrowing money.'TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS).

-         Are you good with money? That’s the question we’re discussing today. Meet Boris.

-         Hi, Fiona. I’m fifteen. My parents give me five pounds a week, but I also have a Saturday job at a local café where I make four pounds an hour.  I don’t do much around the house to earn my pocket money/ But at the café I wash the dishes and serve customers all day. It’s a hard work and that’s why I usually spend all my money in the shops as soon as I get it. I want to enjoy my money. My piggy bank’s been empty for years. I love spending a day at the shopping centre with my friends. My wallet is always empty when I get home. I like getting clothes or music mainly. I buy things I like not just the things I need. My mum and get those. I never worry too much about the price. If I have enough I buy it. I don’t waste time going to other shops to see if I can get it cheaper. I never wait for the sales because the shops are much too busy then. Some of my friends have more money than me. If I need to I borrow some of them too. So I can get the things I want. I don’t mind borrowing money I just hate paying back. I’ve lost a few friends because of it, but not very many. That what I think in any way.

-         That’ great. What are you going to do if you really need some money?

-         I’m not sure. I can ask my mum and dad,  I suppose.

-         Ok. Jonathan, what do you think about Boris was saying?

-         Well, clearly Boris thinks about the present rather than the future. It seems impossible for him to save money. And he is not alone. Many people: adults and teenagers think the same way.

-         So, what do you revise?

-         You should learn to think about money in a different way. As soon as you start managing your money and saving a little, richer you will become. If you’ve saved just fifty per a day after a year you nearly have two hundred pounds. Also, remember, that it’s not just money that you’re wasting  it’s time too. If you buy a game for thirty pounds and  at the supermarket they have the same game for fifteen pounds you lose fifteen pounds. Which means you have to work for an extra four hours to make money back.

-         That’s a good point.

-         Also if you get into the habit of borrowing money, it’s difficult to change that when you grow up. When you borrow money from the banks, you don’t lose friends. But you do lose a lot of money because if you borrow one hundred pounds, you have to pay them back a lot more.

-         Jonathan, thank you so much!

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