Підсумкова контрольна робота 8 клас 1 семестр.

Додано: 12 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
24 запитання
Запитання 1

1. Circle the correct answer.

2) Oh, dear! It’s half past ten. We ... be late for the meeting.

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may not


Запитання 2

1. Circle the correct answer.

3) You ... drive carefully in bad weather.

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Запитання 3

1. Circle the correct answer.

4) You ... use a mobile phone during the lesson.

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must not

Запитання 4

1. Circle the correct answer.

5) I ... see a dentist. I have a terrible toothache.

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Запитання 5

1. Circle the correct answer.

6) The performance ... be wonderful. Mademoiselle Ellen is a great actress.

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may not


Запитання 6

2. Put the words in the correct order.

to work / not / my dad / go / may - ... .

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My dad may not go to work.

My may dad not go to work.

My dad may not to go work.

Запитання 7

2. Put the words in the correct order.

might / actors / they / become  - ... .

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They might actors become.

They might become actors.

They become might actors.

Запитання 8

2. Put the words in the correct order.

may / his sister / not / we / visit   - ... .

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We his sister may not visit .

We not may visit his sister.

We may not visit his sister.

Запитання 9

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

10) The family (eat) dinner and talking.

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The family was eating dinner and talking.

The family eating dinner and talking.

The family were eating dinner and talking.

Запитання 10

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

11) They (talk) about her when she (walk) into the room.

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They were talking about her when she walked into the room.

They were talking about her when she walk into the room.

They talking about her when she was walked into the room.

Запитання 11

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

12) She (read) in the garden when it (start) to rain.

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She were reading in the garden when it was started to rain.

She was reading in the garden when it started to rain.

She was reading in the garden when it was started to rain.

Запитання 12

Tom ….. the attic when he …. the painting.

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Was cleaning/ found 

Was cleaning/was finding


 Cleaned/was finding

Запитання 13

This dish consists…. cheese and eggs.

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Запитання 14

Gina talked to Stella.



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Who did talk to Stella?

 Who did to Stella talk?

Who talked to Stella?

 What did Stella talk to?

Запитання 15

She doesn’t get angry easily. She’s very….



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Запитання 16

English food is more expensive than Portuguese.

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Portuguese food is as expensive as English food.

 Portuguese food isn't as expensive as English food.

Запитання 17

Today is a nicer day than yesterday.

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Today is as nice as it was yesterday

Yesterday isn`t as nice as it was today.

Запитання 18

My history teacher is very __________. She waits till we think of a good answer. She never hurries up.

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Запитання 19

A: 'Have you bought the tickets?'

B:'Yes. Our bus ... at 8.35 am'

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  is leaving


 will leave

Запитання 20

A person who dislikes work and physical activity is...

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Запитання 21

Bob ... his homework from 6 to 9 pm yesterday.

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  was doing

  is doing

were doing

Запитання 22

Mary ... the new words all evening yesterday.

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was learning


were learning

is learning

Запитання 23

1.Complete the answers with the correct past simple form of the verbs given.

1 I ……………………… (watch) a new film on TV last week.

2 We ……………………… (not go) anywhere.

3 I ……………………… (meet) James yesterday.

4 We ……………………… (have) a party for my mum.

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1 watched 2 didn’t/did not went 3 met 4 had

1 watches 2 didn’t/did not go 3 meet 4 had

1 watched 2 didn’t/did not go 3 met 4 had

Запитання 24

1. Circle the correct answer.

1) Where is Jake? He ... be out with his friends, but I’m not sure.

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