Countrystudy of the USA. 1st term

Додано: 22 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 29 разів
21 запитання
Запитання 1

The Vinland map was found in

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Запитання 2

2 First people who discovered American continent were


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The English

The Norsemen

 The Spanish

Запитання 3

Why is America not called Columbia ?


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Another man –Amerigo Vespucci gave the name to this continent

 A mapmaker did not think of Columbus in time

 America was an ancient name of this continent

Запитання 4

First European settlement came to America on the board of


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The ship was called “Santa Maria”

The ship was called “Pinta

 The ship was called “Mayflower”

Запитання 5

Every year thousand of people from different parts of the USA come to see a rock running out into the Atlantic Ocean near


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The town Plymouth

The city of New York

The city of Washington

Запитання 6

In the 18th century in North America were


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Many settlements

50 English colonies

13 English colonies

Запитання 7

The war between America and England in the 18th century was called

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Civil war

 The War of Independence

 World War

Запитання 8

The first President of the USA became


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  Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Запитання 9

The Day of Independence is celebrated on

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The fourth Thursday of November

July 4th

On April 19

Запитання 10

The real Americans were


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The Indians

The Englishmen

Запитання 11

The main reason for the Civil War was


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The freedom of colonies

Indian Reservations

The abolishment of the slave system

Запитання 12

The leader of the Republican Party, North States was


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Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Запитання 13

The main Mountains of the USA are


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The Appalachian

The Cordilleras

The Carpatheans

The Siera Nevada

The Alpes

Запитання 14

The Main rivers of the USA are

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The Missouri

The Rio Grande

The Columbia

The Thames

The Ontario

The Yukon

Запитання 15

On the territory of the USA there are


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 25 states and the District of Columbia

 50 states

50 states and the District of Columbia

Запитання 16

The first 90% settlers were of


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Celtic stock

Anglo-Saxon stock

 Negro origin

Запитання 17

The most densely populated state is


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New York


Запитання 18

The Capitol and the White House are in

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New York



Запитання 19

New York consists of

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5 boroughs

 4 boroughs

 6 boroughs

Запитання 20

The sky-scrapers are the contribution of


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New York



Запитання 21

One of big shipbuilding centers is


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New York



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