When and were Christopher Columbus born?
What title was Christopher Columbus given in April 1492?
How many and what voyages did Columbus make across the Atlantic?
Who sponsored Columbus voyages?
What did Columbus hope to achieve through voyages?
Where did Columbus base himself after surviving a shipwreck in 1476?
What was Columbus's early career in the Portuguese merchant marine?
Whom did Columbus marry in 1479, and what was their child's
Where did Columbus trade between 1482-1485?
Who was Columbus's second partner after the death of his wife?
Why did King John II of Portugal refuse to fund Columbus's voyage?
Who eventually supported Columbus's voyage in 1492 and why?
What was the significance of the fall of Granada in Columbus's
What were the names of the three ships that Columbus used on his first voyage?
When did Columbus's fleet leave for the first voyage?
What myth about Queen Isabella and Columbus is false?
Where did Columbus's ships pick up the Northeast trade winds during the first voyage?
When did the fleet set sail from the Canary islands?
What signs did Columbus's Crew see that suggested land was nearby?
What kinds of wind do the mariners and windsurfers need?
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