Delicious coffee, excellent service

Додано: 10 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
1 запитання
Запитання 1

1. Read the review of a coffee shop. Choose whether they are true (T)

My friends and I really love visiting places with good food and coffee. So, this is wonderful when a good one opens up in our city. Yummy Tummy coffee shop is the cutest little spot with amazing design and mouth-watering coffee. This outstanding place left the best impression. We ordered two espressos with tonic water. The coffee was mild, a little sour, and not bitter at all. It had a very balanced taste. It is located in a historical part of the city and every table provides a clear view of pleasant architecture. The service we received was OK. I wouldn't say it was the best service in my life, but the waiters were trying to help and smiling all the time. Overall, do yourself a favour and visit this attractive place. And do not forget to try their coffee, because it is for sure the best in our city

варіанти відповідей

1. Yummy Tummy has just opened in Kropyvnytskyi.

2. The visitors ordered 3 espresso-tonic coffees

3. The Yummy Tummy is located in the city centre of Kropyvnytskyi on Teatralna Street

4. The service was the best the author received in their life

5. The author recommends visiting Yummy Tummy and trying their coffee

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