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Leo has got .......
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Ivy has got .....
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Kenny has got ....
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Daisy has got ...
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Wabbit has got ...
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It is Wednesday afternoon, but Luka is in bed. He can’t do his homework because he feels bad. Luka and his dad go to the doctor. The doctor takes his temperature. But Luka doesn’t have a high temperature, he doesn’t have a cough, he doesn’t have a headache, he doesn’t have a stomach ache. He has got a Maths test tomorrow. The doctor says two hours of learning can help Luka get better. Luka will go to school tomorrow.
It’s ...
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It is Wednesday afternoon, but Luka is in bed. He can’t do his homework because he feels bad. Luka and his dad go to the doctor. The doctor takes his temperature. But Luka doesn’t have a high temperature, he doesn’t have a cough, he doesn’t have a headache, he doesn’t have a stomach ache. He has got a Maths test tomorrow. The doctor says two hours of learning can help Luka get better. Luka will go to school tomorrow.
Luka is in ...
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It is Wednesday afternoon, but Luka is in bed. He can’t do his homework because he feels bad. Luka and his dad go to the doctor. The doctor takes his temperature. But Luka doesn’t have a high temperature, he doesn’t have a cough, he doesn’t have a headache, he doesn’t have a stomach ache. He has got a Maths test tomorrow. The doctor says two hours of learning can help Luka get better. Luka will go to school tomorrow.
Luka thinks he is ill. His dad takes him to the...
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It is Wednesday afternoon, but Luka is in bed. He can’t do his homework because he feels bad. Luka and his dad go to the doctor. The doctor takes his temperature. But Luka doesn’t have a high temperature, he doesn’t have a cough, he doesn’t have a headache, he doesn’t have a stomach ache. He has got a Maths test tomorrow. The doctor says two hours of learning can help Luka get better. Luka will go to school tomorrow.
Luka doesn’t have a high temperature, but he has got...
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It is Wednesday afternoon, but Luka is in bed. He can’t do his homework because he feels bad. Luka and his dad go to the doctor. The doctor takes his temperature. But Luka doesn’t have a high temperature, he doesn’t have a cough, he doesn’t have a headache, he doesn’t have a stomach ache. He has got a Maths test tomorrow. The doctor says two hours of learning can help Luka get better. Luka will go to school tomorrow.
The doctor thinks two hours of ... can help Luka get better.
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My brother has got a toothache. He......eat sweets.
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He has got a cough. He ......drink cold drinks.
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I can’t see well. I will go to the….
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If you have ......., the doctor listens to your chest.
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Doctor: What`s the matter?
Patient: I have a terrible .......
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Doctor: What`s the matter?
Patient: I have a .......
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I feel bad, I should stay …
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If you want to be healthy.....
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