Direct/ Reported Speech

Додано: 16 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: Direct/ Reported Speech
16 запитань
Запитання 1

She said: "I want a cup of tea".

варіанти відповідей

She said I wanted a up of tea.

She said she wanted a cup of tea.

She said she wants a cup of tea.

She said she want a cup of tea.

Запитання 2

Mum said: "Your father is sleeping now".

варіанти відповідей

Mum said your father is sleeping now.

Mum said their father were sleeping now.

Mum said our father is sleeping now.

Mum said our father was sleeping then.

Запитання 3

I said: "My friend will be 20 next summer".

варіанти відповідей

I said my friend wiould be 20 next summer.

I said my friend would be 20 the following summer.

I said my friend will be 20 next summer.

I said my friend will be 20 the next summer.

Запитання 4

My wife said: "I lost your car key yesterday".

варіанти відповідей

My wife said she lost her car key yesterday.

My wife said she lost your car key yesterday.

My wife said she had lost my car key the day before.

My wife said she had lost her car key the day before.

Запитання 5

My husband told me: "I have loved you for half of my life".

варіанти відповідей

My husband told me that he has loved me for half of his life.

My husband told me that I had loved him for half of my life.

My husband told me that he had loved me for half of my life.

My husband told me that he had loved me for half of his life.

Запитання 6

Mary: "My father isn't very well".

варіанти відповідей

Mary told us that my father isn't very well.

Mary told us that my father wasn't very well.

Mary told us that her father wasn't very well.

Запитання 7

Tom: "I haven't been to the cinema".

варіанти відповідей

Tom said I haven't been to the cinema.

Tom said I hadn't been to the cinema.

Tom said he hadn't been to the cinema.

Запитання 8

She: "They are from Italy".

варіанти відповідей

She said that they was from Italy.

She said that they were from Italy.

She said that she was from Italy.

Запитання 9

Pete: "I want to go on holiday".

варіанти відповідей

Pete said I wanted to go on holiday.

Pete said he wanted to go on holiday.

Pete said he wanted to went on holiday.

Запитання 10

Mike: "I can't speak French".

варіанти відповідей

Mike told he can't speak French.

Mike told he can speak French.

Mike told he could't speak French.

Запитання 11

She said: "I am happy!"

варіанти відповідей

She said that she is happy.

She said that I am happy.

She said that she was happy.

She said that I was happy.

Запитання 12

My brother told me: "I am reading a very interesting book now".

варіанти відповідей

My brother told me that I am reading a very interesting book now.

My brother told me that he was reading a very interesting book then.

My brother told me that I was reading a very interesting book now.

My brother told me that he is reading a very interesting book.

Запитання 13

They said: "You bought a very good car".

варіанти відповідей

They said that you bought a very good car.

They said that I bought a very good car.

They said that I have bought a very good car.

They said that I had bought a very good car.

Запитання 14

Dad told me: "I love you very much".

варіанти відповідей

Dad told me that he loves me very much. 

Dad told me that he loved me very much.

Dad told me I love you very much.

Dad told me that he love you very much.

Запитання 15

Fred said: "I have done this test".

варіанти відповідей

Fred said that he had done that test.

Fred said that he has done this test.

Fred said that I have done this test.

Fred said that I had done that test.

Запитання 16

My friend said: "I can help you".

варіанти відповідей

My friend said that I can help you.

My friend said that he can help me.

My friend said that he could help me.

My friend said that I could help you.

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