Екстернат 11 клас

Додано: 1 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 314 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей

I am

was I

were I

I was

Запитання 5

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей

too fit

fit enough

so fit

not fit

Запитання 7

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей


have recovered

had recovered


Запитання 9

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel much happier than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей


fast as

as fast

as fast as

Запитання 11

I used to play basketball and 1___ gymnastics at least five times a week. Then, after my degree, I started working for a big IT company and stopped working 2___ at the gym. Within half a year, I got promoted, moved to a beautiful 3___ apartment in a modern district … and gained 25 kg.

I didn’t realise how overweight I was until I went to my friend’s party, and she asked me if 4___ pregnant. That was the turning point at 5___ I decided to take up a sport again. During the first jogging session after the break, I wasn’t even 6___ to manage to run around the car park. The first workout at the gym wasn’t any better. By accident, I 7___ the ‘speed’ button and fell off the treadmill1, and hurt my ankle. After I 8___ from the injury, however, I immediately returned to my training plan.

Also, I stopped drinking cola and eating 9___ food. And the effort has been worth it. Now, I am not 10___ I used to be in my student years, but I definitely look fit and feel 11 __________ than only a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей

much more happy

much happier

much happy


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