Додано: 13 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 960 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

Victims of fame?

Everybody thinks being a teenage celebrity is glamorous, and, to a large extent, it is. 1___ However, there is, of course, a downside to being in the public eye, and there are many high-profile cases of youngsters whose lives have gone seriously wrong. So, how can teenage celebrities avoid becoming victims of fame?

When the lives of teenage stars go out of control, the press are quick to blame their employers and their pushy parents, and they have a point. Often it is the pressure that other people put on celebrities that causes most stress. In a recent interview, American sitcom star Tia Mowery described how she had found being on a hit show emotionally and physically exhausting. 2___ It is a responsibility few teenagers have to face.

3___ They also need to be shrewd enough to recognise when a new acquaintance is not to be trusted. The presence of a well-known celebrity can have a strange effect on other people. They turn and stare, and ask for autographs. Imagine how that can affect an insecure teenager. 4___ Teenage celebrities need to be well-balanced enough to realise that fame is not likely to last, and thick-skinned enough not to get upset by criticism or negative attention. It’s a big ask, and no wonder that so many find it difficult.

The quality of the support network behind any young star is vital. 5___ This isn’t always the case. A lot of parents are star struck, enjoying their children’s success to the point that they encourage them to be vain and badly behaved. They allow their famous offspring to do whatever he or she wants, and, even worse, they help them spend the money they earn instead of investing it wisely. 

Choose the correct sentence to complete gap 1

варіанти відповідей

Teenage stars have to work hard at keeping their true friends, who may feel jealous of their success.

It can easily make any individual vain and self-important, with a false idea of how important they are.

Stardom brings fortune as well as fame, and experiences that average kids can only dream of.

A case in point is that of teenage stars who ended up losing all their money and finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.

 As the leading actor, she had felt the strain of carrying the show, knowing that if she had put in a bad performance, the careers of other people would have been affected.

 It’s no surprise that big Hollywood stars like Jodie Foster and Daniel Radcliffe, who started out as child actors, came from families who considered the well-being of their kids more important than being in a film.

Запитання 2

Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

Victims of fame?

Everybody thinks being a teenage celebrity is glamorous, and, to a large extent, it is. 1___ However, there is, of course, a downside to being in the public eye, and there are many high-profile cases of youngsters whose lives have gone seriously wrong. So, how can teenage celebrities avoid becoming victims of fame?

When the lives of teenage stars go out of control, the press are quick to blame their employers and their pushy parents, and they have a point. Often it is the pressure that other people put on celebrities that causes most stress. In a recent interview, American sitcom star Tia Mowery described how she had found being on a hit show emotionally and physically exhausting. 2___ It is a responsibility few teenagers have to face.

3___ They also need to be shrewd enough to recognise when a new acquaintance is not to be trusted. The presence of a well-known celebrity can have a strange effect on other people. They turn and stare, and ask for autographs. Imagine how that can affect an insecure teenager. 4___ Teenage celebrities need to be well-balanced enough to realise that fame is not likely to last, and thick-skinned enough not to get upset by criticism or negative attention. It’s a big ask, and no wonder that so many find it difficult.

The quality of the support network behind any young star is vital. 5___ This isn’t always the case. A lot of parents are star struck, enjoying their children’s success to the point that they encourage them to be vain and badly behaved. They allow their famous offspring to do whatever he or she wants, and, even worse, they help them spend the money they earn instead of investing it wisely. 

Choose the correct sentence to complete gap 2

варіанти відповідей

Teenage stars have to work hard at keeping their true friends, who may feel jealous of their success.

 It can easily make any individual vain and self-important, with a false idea of how important they are.

Stardom brings fortune as well as fame, and experiences that average kids can only dream of.

A case in point is that of teenage stars who ended up losing all their money and finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.

 As the leading actor, she had felt the strain of carrying the show, knowing that if she had put in a bad performance, the careers of other people would have been affected.

 It’s no surprise that big Hollywood stars like Jodie Foster and Daniel Radcliffe, who started out as child actors, came from families who considered the well-being of their kids more important than being in a film.

Запитання 3

Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

Victims of fame?

Everybody thinks being a teenage celebrity is glamorous, and, to a large extent, it is. 1___ However, there is, of course, a downside to being in the public eye, and there are many high-profile cases of youngsters whose lives have gone seriously wrong. So, how can teenage celebrities avoid becoming victims of fame?

When the lives of teenage stars go out of control, the press are quick to blame their employers and their pushy parents, and they have a point. Often it is the pressure that other people put on celebrities that causes most stress. In a recent interview, American sitcom star Tia Mowery described how she had found being on a hit show emotionally and physically exhausting. 2___ It is a responsibility few teenagers have to face.

3___ They also need to be shrewd enough to recognise when a new acquaintance is not to be trusted. The presence of a well-known celebrity can have a strange effect on other people. They turn and stare, and ask for autographs. Imagine how that can affect an insecure teenager. 4___ Teenage celebrities need to be well-balanced enough to realise that fame is not likely to last, and thick-skinned enough not to get upset by criticism or negative attention. It’s a big ask, and no wonder that so many find it difficult.

The quality of the support network behind any young star is vital. 5___ This isn’t always the case. A lot of parents are star struck, enjoying their children’s success to the point that they encourage them to be vain and badly behaved. They allow their famous offspring to do whatever he or she wants, and, even worse, they help them spend the money they earn instead of investing it wisely. 

Choose the correct sentence to complete gap 3

варіанти відповідей

Teenage stars have to work hard at keeping their true friends, who may feel jealous of their success.

It can easily make any individual vain and self-important, with a false idea of how important they are.

Stardom brings fortune as well as fame, and experiences that average kids can only dream of.

A case in point is that of teenage stars who ended up losing all their money and finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.

 As the leading actor, she had felt the strain of carrying the show, knowing that if she had put in a bad performance, the careers of other people would have been affected.

It’s no surprise that big Hollywood stars like Jodie Foster and Daniel Radcliffe, who started out as child actors, came from families who considered the well-being of their kids more important than being in a film.

Запитання 4

Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

Victims of fame?

Everybody thinks being a teenage celebrity is glamorous, and, to a large extent, it is. 1___ However, there is, of course, a downside to being in the public eye, and there are many high-profile cases of youngsters whose lives have gone seriously wrong. So, how can teenage celebrities avoid becoming victims of fame?

When the lives of teenage stars go out of control, the press are quick to blame their employers and their pushy parents, and they have a point. Often it is the pressure that other people put on celebrities that causes most stress. In a recent interview, American sitcom star Tia Mowery described how she had found being on a hit show emotionally and physically exhausting. 2___ It is a responsibility few teenagers have to face.

3___ They also need to be shrewd enough to recognise when a new acquaintance is not to be trusted. The presence of a well-known celebrity can have a strange effect on other people. They turn and stare, and ask for autographs. Imagine how that can affect an insecure teenager. 4___ Teenage celebrities need to be well-balanced enough to realise that fame is not likely to last, and thick-skinned enough not to get upset by criticism or negative attention. It’s a big ask, and no wonder that so many find it difficult.

The quality of the support network behind any young star is vital. 5___ This isn’t always the case. A lot of parents are star struck, enjoying their children’s success to the point that they encourage them to be vain and badly behaved. They allow their famous offspring to do whatever he or she wants, and, even worse, they help them spend the money they earn instead of investing it wisely. 

Choose the correct sentence to complete gap 4

варіанти відповідей

 Teenage stars have to work hard at keeping their true friends, who may feel jealous of their success.

 It can easily make any individual vain and self-important, with a false idea of how important they are.

 Stardom brings fortune as well as fame, and experiences that average kids can only dream of.

 A case in point is that of teenage stars who ended up losing all their money and finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.

 As the leading actor, she had felt the strain of carrying the show, knowing that if she had put in a bad performance, the careers of other people would have been affected.

 It’s no surprise that big Hollywood stars like Jodie Foster and Daniel Radcliffe, who started out as child actors, came from families who considered the well-being of their kids more important than being in a film.

Запитання 5

Read the text. Match sentences A–F with gaps 1–5. There is one extra sentence.

Victims of fame?

Everybody thinks being a teenage celebrity is glamorous, and, to a large extent, it is. 1___ However, there is, of course, a downside to being in the public eye, and there are many high-profile cases of youngsters whose lives have gone seriously wrong. So, how can teenage celebrities avoid becoming victims of fame?

When the lives of teenage stars go out of control, the press are quick to blame their employers and their pushy parents, and they have a point. Often it is the pressure that other people put on celebrities that causes most stress. In a recent interview, American sitcom star Tia Mowery described how she had found being on a hit show emotionally and physically exhausting. 2___ It is a responsibility few teenagers have to face.

3___ They also need to be shrewd enough to recognise when a new acquaintance is not to be trusted. The presence of a well-known celebrity can have a strange effect on other people. They turn and stare, and ask for autographs. Imagine how that can affect an insecure teenager. 4___ Teenage celebrities need to be well-balanced enough to realise that fame is not likely to last, and thick-skinned enough not to get upset by criticism or negative attention. It’s a big ask, and no wonder that so many find it difficult.

The quality of the support network behind any young star is vital. 5___ This isn’t always the case. A lot of parents are star struck, enjoying their children’s success to the point that they encourage them to be vain and badly behaved. They allow their famous offspring to do whatever he or she wants, and, even worse, they help them spend the money they earn instead of investing it wisely. 

Choose the correct sentence to complete gap 5

варіанти відповідей

 Teenage stars have to work hard at keeping their true friends, who may feel jealous of their success.

 It can easily make any individual vain and self-important, with a false idea of how important they are.

Stardom brings fortune as well as fame, and experiences that average kids can only dream of.

 A case in point is that of teenage stars who ended up losing all their money and finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.

As the leading actor, she had felt the strain of carrying the show, knowing that if she had put in a bad performance, the careers of other people would have been affected.

It’s no surprise that big Hollywood stars like Jodie Foster and Daniel Radcliffe, who started out as child actors, came from families who considered the well-being of their kids more important than being in a film.

Запитання 6

Read the article about exchanging homes and for questions 1–6 circle the correct answer A–D.

Discover the world in an authentic way

Exchanging homes is a popular way of having a different kind of holiday. Jane and David Henderson and their two children, aged twelve and fourteen, recently did exactly that. They exchanged their comfortable three-bedroom house in a quiet, very green London district for a flat in Florida.

We asked them if they would recommend the experience.

‘Yes, most certainly,’ David told us. ‘It’s a marvellous opportunity to enjoy a completely different lifestyle. The flat was huge and had all the modern equipment that makes life easier, but that wasn’t what we liked most. It was the place itself that was incredible, situated on a piece of land with the sea on two sides. We even had a private beach; there was white sand and sunshine. It was beautiful.’

‘We both have jobs which involve a lot of responsibility,’ continued Jane. ‘David works with computers and I’m a journalist, and of course our spare time is spent with our children.

In Florida, they entertained themselves. So, to do nothing but sunbathe, swim and shop was a new experience for us. And, because we had no hotel bills to pay, it was much cheaper and we could afford to stay for six weeks – it was wonderful!’

And what about the children? What did they do? Did they enjoy themselves?

‘Yes,’ said David. ‘They had an absolutely amazing time. You see, when you live in somebody else’s home, you don’t just stay with the tourists and go on sightseeing trips, you meet the local people. Our children met the local children and explored all the best places in the area.’

But were there any problems when they returned to their home in England?

‘None at all,’ said Jane. ‘The family from Florida left it clean and tidy. All our plants had enough water and looked happy, and they’d left us some beautiful flowers as a thank you. We never met them, but we talked a lot on the phone and they seem like nice people. We still write to them.’

So, will the Henderson family exchange their home again next year?

‘Oh, yes!’ David told us. ‘Maybe we’ll exchange it for a house somewhere in a far-away part of the countryside. That would be a completely different lifestyle again.’

    1   The text is about people who …

варіанти відповідей

went on a luxurious package holiday.

exchanged houses for a holiday break.

sold their house in London to move to Florida.

decided to permanently give up their stressful jobs.

Запитання 7

Read the article about exchanging homes and for questions 1–6 circle the correct answer A–D.

Discover the world in an authentic way

Exchanging homes is a popular way of having a different kind of holiday. Jane and David Henderson and their two children, aged twelve and fourteen, recently did exactly that. They exchanged their comfortable three-bedroom house in a quiet, very green London district for a flat in Florida.

We asked them if they would recommend the experience.

‘Yes, most certainly,’ David told us. ‘It’s a marvellous opportunity to enjoy a completely different lifestyle. The flat was huge and had all the modern equipment that makes life easier, but that wasn’t what we liked most. It was the place itself that was incredible, situated on a piece of land with the sea on two sides. We even had a private beach; there was white sand and sunshine. It was beautiful.’

‘We both have jobs which involve a lot of responsibility,’ continued Jane. ‘David works with computers and I’m a journalist, and of course our spare time is spent with our children.

In Florida, they entertained themselves. So, to do nothing but sunbathe, swim and shop was a new experience for us. And, because we had no hotel bills to pay, it was much cheaper and we could afford to stay for six weeks – it was wonderful!’

And what about the children? What did they do? Did they enjoy themselves?

‘Yes,’ said David. ‘They had an absolutely amazing time. You see, when you live in somebody else’s home, you don’t just stay with the tourists and go on sightseeing trips, you meet the local people. Our children met the local children and explored all the best places in the area.’

But were there any problems when they returned to their home in England?

‘None at all,’ said Jane. ‘The family from Florida left it clean and tidy. All our plants had enough water and looked happy, and they’d left us some beautiful flowers as a thank you. We never met them, but we talked a lot on the phone and they seem like nice people. We still write to them.’

So, will the Henderson family exchange their home again next year?

‘Oh, yes!’ David told us. ‘Maybe we’ll exchange it for a house somewhere in a far-away part of the countryside. That would be a completely different lifestyle again.’

    2   The Hendersons’ own home is …

варіанти відповідей

in Florida.

near a village.

in a peaceful part of London.

in a far-away part of England.

Запитання 8

Read the article about exchanging homes and for questions 1–6 circle the correct answer A–D.

Discover the world in an authentic way

Exchanging homes is a popular way of having a different kind of holiday. Jane and David Henderson and their two children, aged twelve and fourteen, recently did exactly that. They exchanged their comfortable three-bedroom house in a quiet, very green London district for a flat in Florida.

We asked them if they would recommend the experience.

‘Yes, most certainly,’ David told us. ‘It’s a marvellous opportunity to enjoy a completely different lifestyle. The flat was huge and had all the modern equipment that makes life easier, but that wasn’t what we liked most. It was the place itself that was incredible, situated on a piece of land with the sea on two sides. We even had a private beach; there was white sand and sunshine. It was beautiful.’

‘We both have jobs which involve a lot of responsibility,’ continued Jane. ‘David works with computers and I’m a journalist, and of course our spare time is spent with our children.

In Florida, they entertained themselves. So, to do nothing but sunbathe, swim and shop was a new experience for us. And, because we had no hotel bills to pay, it was much cheaper and we could afford to stay for six weeks – it was wonderful!’

And what about the children? What did they do? Did they enjoy themselves?

‘Yes,’ said David. ‘They had an absolutely amazing time. You see, when you live in somebody else’s home, you don’t just stay with the tourists and go on sightseeing trips, you meet the local people. Our children met the local children and explored all the best places in the area.’

But were there any problems when they returned to their home in England?

‘None at all,’ said Jane. ‘The family from Florida left it clean and tidy. All our plants had enough water and looked happy, and they’d left us some beautiful flowers as a thank you. We never met them, but we talked a lot on the phone and they seem like nice people. We still write to them.’

So, will the Henderson family exchange their home again next year?

‘Oh, yes!’ David told us. ‘Maybe we’ll exchange it for a house somewhere in a far-away part of the countryside. That would be a completely different lifestyle again.’

    3    What the family particularly liked about their holiday was …

варіанти відповідей

the location.

the size of the flat.

the different lifestyle.

the modern equipment.

Запитання 9

Read the article about exchanging homes and for questions 1–6 circle the correct answer A–D.

Discover the world in an authentic way

Exchanging homes is a popular way of having a different kind of holiday. Jane and David Henderson and their two children, aged twelve and fourteen, recently did exactly that. They exchanged their comfortable three-bedroom house in a quiet, very green London district for a flat in Florida.

We asked them if they would recommend the experience.

‘Yes, most certainly,’ David told us. ‘It’s a marvellous opportunity to enjoy a completely different lifestyle. The flat was huge and had all the modern equipment that makes life easier, but that wasn’t what we liked most. It was the place itself that was incredible, situated on a piece of land with the sea on two sides. We even had a private beach; there was white sand and sunshine. It was beautiful.’

‘We both have jobs which involve a lot of responsibility,’ continued Jane. ‘David works with computers and I’m a journalist, and of course our spare time is spent with our children.

In Florida, they entertained themselves. So, to do nothing but sunbathe, swim and shop was a new experience for us. And, because we had no hotel bills to pay, it was much cheaper and we could afford to stay for six weeks – it was wonderful!’

And what about the children? What did they do? Did they enjoy themselves?

‘Yes,’ said David. ‘They had an absolutely amazing time. You see, when you live in somebody else’s home, you don’t just stay with the tourists and go on sightseeing trips, you meet the local people. Our children met the local children and explored all the best places in the area.’

But were there any problems when they returned to their home in England?

‘None at all,’ said Jane. ‘The family from Florida left it clean and tidy. All our plants had enough water and looked happy, and they’d left us some beautiful flowers as a thank you. We never met them, but we talked a lot on the phone and they seem like nice people. We still write to them.’

So, will the Henderson family exchange their home again next year?

‘Oh, yes!’ David told us. ‘Maybe we’ll exchange it for a house somewhere in a far-away part of the countryside. That would be a completely different lifestyle again.’

    4     Why did Jane and David enjoy the holiday so much? 

варіанти відповідей

They spent all day sunbathing.

They had a lot of time to themselves.

They had more money to spend on shopping.

They had plenty of time to spend with their children.

Запитання 10

Read the article about exchanging homes and for questions 1–6 circle the correct answer A–D.

Discover the world in an authentic way

Exchanging homes is a popular way of having a different kind of holiday. Jane and David Henderson and their two children, aged twelve and fourteen, recently did exactly that. They exchanged their comfortable three-bedroom house in a quiet, very green London district for a flat in Florida.

We asked them if they would recommend the experience.

‘Yes, most certainly,’ David told us. ‘It’s a marvellous opportunity to enjoy a completely different lifestyle. The flat was huge and had all the modern equipment that makes life easier, but that wasn’t what we liked most. It was the place itself that was incredible, situated on a piece of land with the sea on two sides. We even had a private beach; there was white sand and sunshine. It was beautiful.’

‘We both have jobs which involve a lot of responsibility,’ continued Jane. ‘David works with computers and I’m a journalist, and of course our spare time is spent with our children.

In Florida, they entertained themselves. So, to do nothing but sunbathe, swim and shop was a new experience for us. And, because we had no hotel bills to pay, it was much cheaper and we could afford to stay for six weeks – it was wonderful!’

And what about the children? What did they do? Did they enjoy themselves?

‘Yes,’ said David. ‘They had an absolutely amazing time. You see, when you live in somebody else’s home, you don’t just stay with the tourists and go on sightseeing trips, you meet the local people. Our children met the local children and explored all the best places in the area.’

But were there any problems when they returned to their home in England?

‘None at all,’ said Jane. ‘The family from Florida left it clean and tidy. All our plants had enough water and looked happy, and they’d left us some beautiful flowers as a thank you. We never met them, but we talked a lot on the phone and they seem like nice people. We still write to them.’

So, will the Henderson family exchange their home again next year?

‘Oh, yes!’ David told us. ‘Maybe we’ll exchange it for a house somewhere in a far-away part of the countryside. That would be a completely different lifestyle again.’

    5     The two families …

варіанти відповідей

are in touch.

looked happy.

will exchange flats next year again.

exchanged flowers and thank you letters.

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