Energetics (Units 1-5)

Додано: 22 червня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 46 разів
34 запитання
Запитання 1

____all activities in the universe require energy?

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to do

Запитання 2

Energy ______ essential to all life on our planet

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is being



Запитання 3

What ______ people need for life?

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to do


Запитання 4

The total energy of a system ______ with time.

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do not change

to do not change

does not change

 not change

Запитання 5

This _______ a floating wave converter which ____ power transmission.

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are, have

is, have

is, has

were, had

Запитання 6

Expensive and hardly available energy ____ not make possible the development of great centers of civilization on the Earth.

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Запитання 7

Plants and animals are not forming the food supply for other organisms

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Запитання 8

Energy is necessary for all ... systems on the Earth.

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Запитання 9

Industrial civilization is decaying the ... of the planet.

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all activities

great amount of ecosystems.

chemical releases

energy balance

Запитання 10

All activities in the universe require energy. Nothing moves, changes, grows, or decays without the expenditure of energy. Energy flows downhill from high-potential sources like the stars at millions of degrees temperatures to the cosmic cold of outer space at a few degrees above absolute zero. The planet Earth takes some of this energy from the Sun, transforms and stores some of it. Energy is necessary for all natural and human-developed systems on the Earth.

        During much of the 5 billion years the Earth is formed, the natural systems of the planet are evolving slowly and progressively under the forces of radioactive energy of the Sun. Life evolves, atmospheric composition changes, and complex ecosystems of millions of organisms are developing. Plants are forming the food supply for other organisms in the evolutionary chain of events.

        Industrial civilization is decaying the energy balance of the natural system and through chemical releases is poisoning the environment.  

Choose three questions to the text

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What is the main source of energy for the Earth?

What is developing on the Earth?

   What is upsetting the energy balance of the natural system?

What do you require for your activity?

Запитання 11

There are different forms of energy, including kinetic, potential, thermal,  gravitational, ..., electromagnetic, chemical, nuclear, etc. 

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Запитання 12

The anaerobic ... of non-fossil organic material produces methane-rich gases known as biogas

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Запитання 13

I think any matter possesses energy. Hot steam, electric current, magnet, chemical reactions are the forms of energy.

Choose the question to the situation

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What forms of energy power technological society?

Is energy the capacity to do mechanical work?

Where can you find plasma?

What is the aim of the development of the new forms of energy? 

Запитання 14

We __________ in the age of great developments in science and engineering.

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to live



Запитання 15

 Theory _________ without applied science.    

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do not exist

not exists

does not exist

Запитання 16

The problem clearly ___________(require; requires; required) a multi-lateral approach

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Запитання 17

Ми пояснюємо усі відомі природні явища через різні форми енергії

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We explain all known natural phenomena through different forms of energy.

We explains all known natural phenomena through different forms of energy.

We explain all known natural phenomenon through different forms of energy.

We explain all known natural phenomena through different form of energy.

Запитання 18

Величина енергії залежить від здатності її зберігати.

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The value of energy depends on the ability to conserve it.

The value of energy depend on the ability to conserve it.

The value of energy depends on the abilities to conserve it.

The value of energy depends in the ability to conserve it.

Запитання 19

Energy is converted from one form to another, but it is neither created nor destroyed. This principle, the conservation of energy, was first postulated in the early 19th century, and applies to any isolated system. According to Noether's theorem, the conservation of energy is a consequence of the fact that the laws of physics do not change over time.

Energy can be used to perform work; work can be made to increase the energy of a system. Although the total energy of a system does not change with time, its value may depend on the frame of reference.

Choose the example to the situation

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For example, a seated passenger in a moving airplane has zero kinetic energy relative to the airplane, but nonzero kinetic energy relative to the earth.

For example, a flying passenger in a moving airplane has zero kinetic energy relative to the airplane, but nonzero kinetic energy relative to the earth.

For example, a seated passenger in a moving airplane has zero potential energy relative to the airplane, but nonzero kinetic energy relative to the earth.

For example, a seated passenger in a moving airplane has zero kinetic energy relative to the airplane, but nonzero potential energy relative to the earth.

Запитання 20

As far as I remember Dr. Thomas Young, in 1807, employed the term «...» to designate the active force of a moving body

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energy conservation

Запитання 21

We can find the definition of the word energy in the Essentials of Physics.  Energy is the Greek word.

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Запитання 22

Different types of fuels, technologies, or users behavior do not affect the actual amounts of pollutants being released

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Запитання 23

Figure 3 and Table 1 show what happens to solar radiation as it passes through the biosphere, performing useful work every step of the way. On a square meter basis, solar energy comes in at the rate of about 5 million kcal per year. The large flow is reduced exponentially as it possess through the clouds, water vapor, and other gases of the atmosphere, so the annual amount actually reaching the autotrophic layer of ecosystems is only about 1-2 million kcal per square meter (lowest in the cloudy north and highest in the deserts). Of this amount, about half is absorbed by a well-stocked green layer, and about 1 percent of this on average (up to 5 percent under the most favorable conditions) is converted to organic matter by photosynthesis.

             A large part of the solar energy flow is dissipated into unavailable heat at each transfer, as required by the second law of thermodynamics. This dissipation is not wasted energy because useful work is accomplished at each transfer, not just in the biological part, but all along the chain.  One advantage of solar energy compared with fossil fuels is that it is renewable.

Choose three questions to the text.

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What is the rate of solar energy on a square meter basis?

What is dissipation?

What is the advantage of solar energy compared with fossil fuels? 

What is your opinion?

What is one change that should be remembered in the twentieth century?

Запитання 24

Fundamental to our understanding of energy is a description of the laws of motion. Who _____________ experimentally the laws of motion?                 

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Запитання 25

. Any matter possesses energy. There are different forms of energy – from kinetic and potential till chemical and nuclear. Does the total ___________ of the system change or only transform with time?

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Запитання 26

Read the sentences, define the Tense 

Energy was not the necessity for primitive people. When did energy become a necessity? In what way did energy improve people’s life?

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Present Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Future Simple Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Past Progressive Tense

Запитання 27

Read the sentences, define the Tense 

Everything we do is connected with energy in one form or another. Energy is defined as «the ability to do work». But what are the most essential sources of energy.

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Present Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Future Simple Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Past Progressive Tense

Запитання 28

Read the sentences, define the Tense 

The example assumes the engine is operating in what we call «steady state».

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Present Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Future Simple Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Past Progressive Tense

Запитання 29

Read the sentences, define the Tense 

Look! During this process energy is transforming into a form more usable for a certain purpose.

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Present Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Future Simple Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Past Progressive Tense

Запитання 30

Read the sentences, define the Tense 

Human population grew, consumption of materials increased, ancient reserves were drawn down with alarming rate, organisms died and decayed and global climate was changed. 

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Present Simple Tense

Past Simple Tense

Future Simple Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Past Progressive Tense

Запитання 31

What type of state verbs can you find in the sentences below:

I don’t believe in the efficiency of this device. I think you do not destroy the chain. Do you know the sources of energy included into electric chain? He does not remember the definition of energy. I do not understand what you need. I forget all essential laws of physics. Do you recognize the source?

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Attitude verbs

Mental/thinking verbs

Sense/perception verbs


Запитання 32

Alcohol is still used in thermometers today, but the preferred thermometric medium is mercury. As noted earlier, its advantages include a much higher boiling point, a tendency not to stick to glass, and a silvery color that makes its levels easy to gauge visually.

Faster temperature measures can be obtained by thermometers ...

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using boiling

using electricity

using heating

using metric system

Запитання 33

Many units in everyday and scientific use are not created from the seven SI base units ( ) combined with the SI prefixes. 

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nautical mile

Запитання 34

Потужність виражається або у ергах на секунду або у джоулях на секунду. Один джоуль на секунду називається Ват, та є одиницею потужності. Кіловат є іншою одиницею потужності і дорівнює 1000 Ватам.

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Power is expressing either in erg per second or in joule per second. One joule per second is called the watt, a unit of power. The kilowatt is another unit of power and is equal to 1000 watts.

Power is expressing either in ergs per second or in joules per second. One joule per second is called the watt, a unit of power. The kilowatt is another unit of power and is equal to 10000 watts.

Power is expressing either in ergs per second or in joules per second. One joule per second is called the watt, a unit of power. The kilowatt is another unit of power and is equal to 1000 watts.

Power are expressing either in ergs per second or in joules per second. One joule per second is called the watt, a unit of power. The kilowatt is another unit of power and is equal to 1000 watts.

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