english 11-1

Додано: 4 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
22 запитання
Запитання 1

A Funny Thing Happened to Me

      A funny thing happened to me last Saturday. I’d gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at university. I caught an early train to London, so by early afternoon I’d bought everything I wanted. Anyway, I’m not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I’d made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can’t really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 4.30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I bought an evening newspaper, the ‘Standard’, and wandered over the station buffet. At that time of day it’s nearly empty, so I bought a coffee and a packet of chocolate biscuits. I’m very fond of chocolate biscuits. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window. I sat down and began doing crosswords. I always enjoy doing crosswords-puzzles.

      After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing special about him, except that he was very short. In fact he looked like a typical city businessman (you know, dark suit and brief-case). I didn’t say anything and I carried on with my crossword. Suddenly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

    Moreover, I was too shocked to say anything. Anyway, I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I decided to ignore the fact. I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword.

    When the man took a second biscuit, I didn’t look up and I didn’t make a sound.

    I pretended to be very interested in puzzle. After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man. He was staring at me furiously.

    I nervously hut the biscuit in my mouth, and decided to leave the buffet. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet. I felt very relieved and decided to wait two or three minutes before going myself.

    Finally, I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuits. The newspaper covered it!

1.     Why did a young man go to London?

варіанти відповідей

a)     He wanted to buy some Christmas presents and some books for his course at university.

b/ He dreamt of going there.

c)     He’d made some arrangements for that evening.

Запитання 2

2.     Why didn’t he like London?

варіанти відповідей

a)     He didn’t like London because of the noise and traffic.

b)     He didn’t like London because the service in London’s buffets was bad.

c)     He didn’t like London because Londoners are not polite.

Запитання 3

1.     Why didn’t he manage to get 4.30 train?

варіанти відповідей

a)     He was doing crossword-puzzles and missed the train.

b)     The taxi got stuck in a traffic jam.

c)     He decided to go sightseeing.

Запитання 4

1.     What shocked the man?

варіанти відповідей

a/His packet of biscuits disappeared

b)     A man sat down opposite him although there were a lot of empty tables.

c)     The man in a dark suit opened a packet of chocolate biscuits.

Запитання 5

1.     There was nothing special about him, except that …

варіанти відповідей

a)      he was tiny

b)     he was not tall

c/ he was very tall

Запитання 6

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphe

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 7

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphere

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 8

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphere

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 9

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphere

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 10

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphere

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 11

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphere

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 12

Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America - and for good reason. The parrot is 1 --------------------- that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can 2 -------------------- anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop 3--------------------. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say 'pretty boy' or 'Polly wants a cracker,' and it also can learn to whistle or even to imitate human singing. 4----------------------------- decides to teach a bird, training a parrot 5-------------------------, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot's popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, 6----------------does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food- for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive diet, which consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, corn, and grain - along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Because the parrot can live 7--------------------- it makes a fine, tame companion for many people. In addition, because it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colourful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot's native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot, once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.

варіанти відповідей

a / in almost any environment

b/ an extraordinary bird

c/ create a fantasy-like atmosphere

d/even a spoiled parrot

e/ an enormous vocabulary

f/ no matter what an owner

g/ takes much patience

Запитання 13

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 14

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 15

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 16

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 17

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 18

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 19

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 20

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 21

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 22

English in Europe

English has without a 1) ______________ become the second language of Europe and the world. European countries which have most 2) ______________ assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbours in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the 3) ____________ of Scandinavia. The situation is so 4) ______________ that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be 5) ______ of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print 6) __________ it into every home and the schoolyard 7) _____________ of children; advertisers use it to 8) __________ up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills 9) ___________ them. Increasingly one hears the 10) ______________ that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations ..

варіанти відповідей





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