English plus 2 Reading 1

Додано: 13 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 115 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Then match the gaps (1–5) in the text with the phrases (a–f). Write the numbers in the boxes. There is one extra phrase. (10 marks)

a  wants to know ¨

b  there’s a break¨

c  never call back ¨

d  live in other countries¨

e  communicate with them ¨

f   pay for it ¨


Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I have a laptop, but I don’t use it much. It’s too heavy to carry around, and I hardly ever send emails. But my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but when 1________ I always turn on my phone and check my messages. I have more than a hundred friends on social media, and I 2________ a lot.

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She always 3________ where I am and what I’m doing! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive, but I’m lucky – my parents 4________.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. Some of my online friends 5________, so I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

варіанти відповідей

1.b 2e 3a 4f 5d

1b 2e 3a 4d 5f

1a 2f 3c 4d 5b

1a 2c 3a 4b 5d

1c 2f 3d 4b 5e

Запитання 2

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but  I always turn on my phone and check my messages during the break. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She asks me where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

Choose true or false

Sally doesn't take her phone at school

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but  I always turn on my phone and check my messages during the break. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She asks me where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

Sally _______takes her phone to school

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but  I always turn on my phone and check my messages during the break. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She asks me where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

Say true or false

Using mobile phone doesn't cost much money.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but  I always turn on my phone and check my messages during the break. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She asks me where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

Sally has a lot of ____ on social media

варіанти відповідей


phone calls



Запитання 6

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but  I always turn on my phone and check my messages during the break. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She asks me where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

Sally uses her phone _______

варіанти відповідей

during lessons

when there’s a break.

Запитання 7

Me and my phone

Sally writes about her mobile phone

I don’t often use my laptop, but my mobile phone is really important to me. I take it to school – we can’t use our phones during lessons, of course, but I always turn on my phone and check my messages during the break. I have more than a hundred friends on social media!

I don’t make many phone calls, but I send lots of text messages. If my phone rings, it’s usually my mum calling. She asks me where I am! Using my mobile phone all the time is quite expensive.

I don’t just use my phone to communicate. I use it to listen to music, too, and to watch videos. At night I keep it next to my bed. I often get messages late at night. My mobile phone is my world!

Sally often ___________

варіанти відповідей

sends textmessages.

makesphone calls

Запитання 8

The text is about _____

варіанти відповідей

Sally and her phone

Sally and her Mom

Sally and her school

Sally and her friends

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