Who is Ruslana Lyzhychko?
What year did Ruslana win the Eurovision Song Contest?
What was the name of the song Ruslana performed at Eurovision?
Which of the following best describes Ruslana's personality?
What is Jamala’s voice range?
At what age did Jamala’s musical talents first become evident?
What instruments did Jamala study?
Which international music contest did Jamala win before Eurovision?
Who is Jamala, mentioned in the passage?
What was the name of Jamala’s Eurovision-winning song in 2016?
What was the subject of Jamala’s Eurovision-winning song?
What emotions does Jamala's Eurovision song evoke?
What did Jamala say when accepting her Eurovision trophy?
Which organization did Ruslana serve as a Goodwill Ambassador?
What political role did Ruslana hold?
What is the main theme of the first passage?
What is the nationality of Ruslana?
Which of the following statements is true about Jamala?
Where was Jamala’s Eurovision-winning performance held?
What does Ruslana do to engage with her fans?
How does the passage describe Jamala’s smile?
In the passage, what is said about Ruslana’s public life?
How did Ruslana’s success at the New Wave contest affect her career?
What is the tone of the passage regarding Ruslana and Jamala?
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