Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Додано: 17 березня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
18 запитань
Запитання 1

 Who is the protagonist of “Fahrenheit 451”?

варіанти відповідей

a guy who burns offices in a society where reading at offices is forbidden 

a guy who burns books in a society where reading is illegal and may be considered as a crime.

a guy who burns houses of politicians who keep books because such people are considered to be criminals

Запитання 2

   What is the significance of the title “Fahrenheit 451”?

варіанти відповідей

The title refers to the temperature at which the forest is burnt down if it catches fire.

 The title refers to the temperature at which satellites are launched into space.

 The title refers to the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns.

Запитання 3

 What is the role of firemen in this dystopian society?

варіанти відповідей

Firemen in this society are responsible for burning books and censoring information. 


Firemen in this society are responsible for burning books and controlling all the people

Firemen in this society are responsible for burning books and controlling revenue(доходи)

Запитання 4

Why are books considered dangerous in this society?

варіанти відповідей

Books are considered dangerous because they contain ideas of a new secret technology.

Books are considered dangerous because they contain ideas that can lead to conflicts and unhappiness. 

Books are considered dangerous because they contain ideas that can lead to new reforms and new lifestyles.

Запитання 5

What prompts Montag to start questioning his own happiness? 

варіанти відповідей

Meeting Clarisse and her thought-provoking questions that made Montag question his own happiness and purpose. 

Meeting some outstanding people who made him question his attitude to books and happiness.

Meeting some colleagues who made him reconsider his attitude to books and his work.

Запитання 6

1.     What revelations does Clarisse bring to light about history and communication in this society?

варіанти відповідей

 Clarisse reveals to Montag that the government has altered major society facts and limited communication between people through books. 

 Clarisse reveals to Montag that the government has altered secret government facts and limited communication between people through telephone

Clarisse reveals to Montag that the government has altered historical facts and limited communication between people through technology. 

Запитання 7

 What does the government try to control?

варіанти відповідей

 The government controls information and communication by promoting conformity, eliminating casual conversation, and altering historical truths.

 The government controls information and communication by promoting conformity, eliminating secret conversations, and altering financial truths.

The government controls information and communication by promoting conformity, eliminating governmental conversation, and altering political truths.

Запитання 8

 What is the significance of Montag's encounter with Clarisse in terms of his relationship with Millie?

варіанти відповідей

 Montag's encounter with Clarisse highlights the lack of emotional connection and understanding between him and Millie, emphasizing their Intrusive (нав язливі) relationship. 

1.     Montag's encounter with Clarisse highlights the lack of emotional connection and understanding between him and Millie, emphasizing their hоstile relationship. 

1.     Montag's encounter with Clarisse highlights the lack of emotional connection and understanding between him and Millie, emphasizing their superficial ( поверхневі)relationship. 

Запитання 9

How does the overdose incident shed light on the profound estrangement ( відчуження)between Montag and Millie?

варіанти відповідей

The overdose incident reveals the deep disconnect and lack of communication between Montag and Millie, showcasing their inability to agree or discuss important matters. 

The overdose incident reveals the serious tense and lack of communication between Montag and Millie, showcasing their inability to agree or discuss important matters. 

The overdose incident reveals the deep hostility and lack of friendliness between Montag and Millie, showcasing their inability to agree or discuss important matters. 

Запитання 10

 Why does Montag realize that he doesn't really know much about his wife after the overdose incident?

варіанти відповідей

 After the overdose incident, Montag realizes that he lacks any true knowledge about his wife beyond surface-level details, indicating the hostility of their relationship. 

After the overdose incident, Montag realizes that he lacks any meaningful knowledge about his wife beyond surface-level details, indicating the emptiness of their relationship. 

After the overdose incident, Montag realizes that he lacks any secret knowledge about his wife beyond surface-level details, indicating the inadequeсу of their relationship. 

Запитання 11

Choose the best description of the Mechanical Hound and its role in the society depicted in the text.

варіанти відповідей

The Mechanical Hound is a calming machine designed to deceive criminals using advanced technology, instilling sweet lies in those like Montag who question the status quo. 

Explanation -the status quo- is the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues-

The Mechanical Hound is a terrifying machine designed to track down and capture criminals using advanced technology, instilling fear in those like Montag who question the status quo. 

The Mechanical Hound is a secret robot machine designed to persuade criminals to support the secret agancy in usage the most advanced technology, instilling stupid ideas in those like Montag who question the status quo. 

Запитання 12

 Who is Captain Beatty and what is his role in the story?

варіанти відповідей

Captain Beatty is Montag’s boss. He represents the oppressive government control of knowledge and information 

Captain Beatty is a spy statesman. He represents the oppressive government control of knowledge and information 

Captain Beatty is Montag’s friend. He represents the oppressive office worker who secretly spies on such people as Montag and controls all sorts of knowledge and information.

Запитання 13

 How does Captain Beatty respond to Montag's sudden curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's ability to think?

варіанти відповідей

Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it is not fully finished and that's why it is not dangerous to any society. 

Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it only thinks what they want it to think, revealing the control and manipulation present in their society. 

Captain Beatty dismisses Montag's curiosity about the Mechanical Hound's thinking abilities, suggesting that it only thinks and never reveals the truth until it is not dangerous.

Запитання 14

What incidents prompt Montag to consider converting his life and questioning his role as a fireman?

варіанти відповідей

The incidents involving the woman who burns with her books and the news of Clarisse's death prompt Montag to reevaluate his beliefs and values, leading him to contemplate a significant change in his life. 

The incidents involving the woman who burns with her house and the news of Clarisse's death prompt Montag to reevaluate his beliefs and values, leading him to contemplate a significant change in his life. 

The incidents involving the woman who burns with her friends and the news of Clarisse's death prompt Montag to reevaluate his beliefs and values, leading him to contemplate a significant change in his life. 

Запитання 15

How do the news of Clarisse's death and the woman who chooses to burn with her books impact Montag's decision to change his life?

варіанти відповідей

The news of Clarisse's death and the woman's defiance (непокора) of towards burning her books serve as catalysts for Montag's realization of the oppressive nature of his boss and his wife , pushing him towards seeking deeper meaning and understanding beyond the superficial laws enforced by the government

The news of Clarisse's death and the woman's defiance (непокора) of towards burning her books serve as catalysts for Montag's realization of the oppressive nature of his government, pushing him towards seeking false meaning and understanding beyond the superficial laws enforced by the government

The news of Clarisse's death and the woman's defiance (непокора) of towards burning her books serve as catalysts for Montag's realization of the oppressive nature of his society, pushing him towards seeking deeper meaning and understanding beyond the superficial laws enforced by the government

Запитання 16

What does Montag do instead of quitting his job after his confrontation with Millie?

варіанти відповідей

Montag considers quitting his job but decides (to feign) удавати illness instead.

Montag considers quitting his job but decides to entertain himself instead.

 Montag considers quitting his job but decides to devorce instead.

Запитання 17

How does Captain Beatty react to Montag's absence from work and what conversation do they have?

варіанти відповідей

 Captain Beatty becomes suspicious of Montag's behavior and gives him a lecture about intellectual curiosity leading to book theft.

Captain Beatty becomes suspicious of Montag's behavior and fires him.

Captain Beatty becomes suspicious of Montag's behavior

and kills him.

Запитання 18

 What does Montag do with the books he starts collecting?

варіанти відповідей

Sells them to foregners, defying the laws of the society. 

 Hides them in his house, defying the laws of society. ( breaking the law)

Tries to advertise them, defying the laws of society. 

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