Pharmacokinetic characteristics of propranolol include Vd = 300 L/70 kg, C1 = 700 mL/min, and oral bioavailability f = 0.25. What is the dose needed to achieve a plasma level equivalent to a steady-state level of 20 mg/L?
With IV infusion, a drug reaches 50% of its final steady state in 6 hours. The elimination half-life of the drug must be approximately:
At 6 h after IV administration of bolus dose, the plasma level of a drug is 5 mg/L. If the Vd = 10 L and the elimination half-life = 3 h, what was the dose administered?
A 42-year-old man with intestinal atony was prescribed Proserin, after which he developed signs of bronchospasm.What type of drug action is it?
A patient used an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist to treat rhinitis. After the patient has been administering in the nose drops for several days, the vasoconstrictive effect of the drug gradually diminished. Name this phenomenon:
An IV infusion of a drug is started 400 mg/h. If Cl = 50 L/h, what is the anticipated plasma level at steady state?
A 47-year-old woman with chronic pancreatitis accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was prescribed pancreatic enzymes. What type of therapy is it?
A patient has been taking bisacodyl for a long time to treat chronic constipation. However, several weeks later the aperient effect of the drug diminished. What is the possible cause of this?
A patient used an indirect-acting adrenergic agonist to treat rhinitis. After the patient has been putting in the nose drops for several days, the vasoconstrictive effect of the drug gradually diminished.Name this phenomenon:
If a man has an attack of bronchiospasm it is necessary to reduce the effect of vagus on smooth muscles of bronchi. What membrane cytoreceptors should be blocked for this purpose?
A patient suffering from myasthenia has been administered proserin. After its administration the patient has got nausea, diarrhea, twitch of tongue and skeletal muscles. What drug would help to eliminate the intoxication?
A 63-year-old male patient with bladder atony had been prescribed a medication, which he had been arbitrarily taking at a higher dose. The patient developed hypehydration, salivation, diarrhea, muscle spasms. The prescribed drug relates to the following group:
A patient after disrupted cerebral circulation has developed paralysis. Choose the anticholinesterase drug to be prescribed in this case:
At the 2-3 day after the gastric resection the patient’s intestinal peristalsis failed to restore. What should the patient be prescribed to stimulate the function of his gastrointestinal tract?
A patient in postoperative period was prescribed an anticholinesterase drug for stimulation of intestinal peristalsis and tonus of urinary bladder. What drug is it?
Introduction of a pharmaceutical substance to an experimental animal resulted in reduction of salivation, pupil mydriasis. Next intravenous introduction of acetylcholine didn’t lead to any significant changes of heart rate. Name this substance:
A stomatologist injected a patient with a certain drug in order to reduce salivation during tooth filling. What drug is it?
During anesthetization a patient presented with symptoms of tonus increase of parasympathetic nervous system such as hypersalivation and laryngospasm. What drug could have prevented these undesirable effects?
Patient with complaints of dryness in the mouth, photophobia and vision violation was admitted to the reception-room. Skin is hyperemic, dry, pupils are dilated, tachycardia. Poisoning with belladonna alkaloids was diagnosed on further examination. What medicine should be prescribed?
A patient has been given Atropine sulfate for rapid relief of spastic colon symptoms. The use of this drug is contraindicated during the followng disease:
A patient complaining of dizziness, thirst, difficult swallowing, and impaired vision of close objects has addressed a doctor. Objectively: respiratory rate is increased, pupilsare dilated, general agitation, talkativeness, though the speech is indistinct. BP is 110/70 mm Hg, heart rate is 110/min. Given symptoms can indicate overdosage of the following drug:
A patient with fracture of his lower jaw was admitted to the maxillofacial department. It was decided to fix his bones surgically under anaesthetic. After intravenous introduction of muscle relaxant there arose short fibrillar contractions of the patient’s facial muscles. What muscle relaxant was applied?
A patient with a limb fracture must be administered a depolarizing drug from the myorelaxant group for the purpose of a short-time surgery. What drug is it?
A woman was delivered to a hospital for trachea intubation. What of the following drugs should be applied in this case?
A 36-year-old patient has been administered a depolarizing muscle relaxant during a surgery. Name this drug:
After a nephrectomy the patient developed enteroparesis. What cholinergic agent with anticholinesterase action should be prescribed in this case?
A patient was prescribed Atropine sulfate to treat intestinal colic. What concomitant disease can be a contraindication for this drug?
Analeptical remedy of reflective type from the H-cholinomimetics group was given to the patient for restoration of breathing after poisoning with carbon monoxide. What medicine was prescribed to the patient?
A 50-year-old male farm worker has been brought to the emergency room. He was found confused in the orchard and since then has remained unconscious. His heart rate is 45 and his blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which of the following should be prescribed?
Which one of the following effects is caused by the ingestion of mushrooms that contain Pilocarpine?
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