
Тест для розуміння лексики Flavors для спецкурсу англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням "Кухар"

Додано: 11 липня
Предмет: Англійська мова
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the guide to flavors. Then, mark the following statement is true (T) or false (F).

GUIDE TO Understanding FLAVORS

New chefs often have trouble describing how food tastes.

This guide will help you discuss how taste buds respond to different foods.

Coffee and tea have a bitter flavor. Many people add sugar to make them sweet. Some fruits, like lemons and oranges, are both sweet and sour.

Some warm meals are spicy, but many people dislike the burning feeling. You can make any meal salty if you simply add salt to the finished product. Adding fresh herbs or poultry seasoning can make soups more savory.

Many candies and gums are minty and are used to control bad breath. These products are likely to leave an aftertaste.

1 Bitter foods and sweet foods often taste similar.

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Запитання 2

Read the guide to flavors. Then, mark the following statement is true (T) or false (F).

GUIDE TO Understanding FLAVORS

New chefs often have trouble describing how food tastes.

This guide will help you discuss how taste buds respond to different foods.

Coffee and tea have a bitter flavor. Many people add sugar to make them sweet. Some fruits, like lemons and oranges, are both sweet and sour.

Some warm meals are spicy, but many people dislike the burning feeling. You can make any meal salty if you simply add salt to the finished product. Adding fresh herbs or poultry seasoning can make soups more savory.

Many candies and gums are minty and are used to control bad breath. These products are likely to leave an aftertaste.

2 Many people dislike the hot sensation produced by spicy foods.

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Запитання 3

Read the guide to flavors. Then, mark the following statement is true (T) or false (F).

GUIDE TO Understanding FLAVORS

New chefs often have trouble describing how food tastes.

This guide will help you discuss how taste buds respond to different foods.

Coffee and tea have a bitter flavor. Many people add sugar to make them sweet. Some fruits, like lemons and oranges, are both sweet and sour.

Some warm meals are spicy, but many people dislike the burning feeling. You can make any meal salty if you simply add salt to the finished product. Adding fresh herbs or poultry seasoning can make soups more savory.

Many candies and gums are minty and are used to control bad breath. These products are likely to leave an aftertaste.

3 Minty flavors often don`t leave an aftertaste.

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Запитання 4

Find the word according next definition:

An organ that senses a flavor-----

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taste bud


Запитання 5

Find the word according next definition:

Having a flavor that produces a cooling sensation---

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Запитання 6

Find the word according next definition:

Having a flavor produced by fruits such as lemons---

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Запитання 7

Find the word according next definition:

Having a flavor produced by sugar---

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Запитання 8

Find the word according next definition:

To produce the flavor of something---

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taste bud



Запитання 9

Find the word according next definition:

 Having a flavor that produces a burning sensation---

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