Focus 3 Unit 5 Reading

Додано: 23 вересня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 49 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Pollution in many of the world’s cities is becoming a major health problem. One of the worst affected is Beijing, the capital of China. Air quality was dangerously low on 58 days last year. Winter months are especially bad. (1)         . There is also less wind to blow the smog away. At this time of year, pollution levels are sometimes 20 times higher than the WHO (World Health Organisation) considers safe. 

варіанти відповідей

These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air.

This is the time of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes.

These ideas should help to reduce pollution in the future, which will improve health standards in major cities.

The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company.

Запитання 2

In early 2014, some newspapers and websites showed a frightening vision of the future. On a smoggy morning, residents of Beijing watched the sunrise. (2)         . The smog was so thick that the real sunrise was completely invisible. While the smog and the masks the people were wearing were real, the films of the sunrise were nothing unusual. 

варіанти відповідей

However, as the real one was hidden, they had to do this on giant TV screens.

These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air.

The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company.

Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned.

Запитання 3

The screens show adverts all the time. (3)        .  The same advert is shown quite often, whatever the weather. Either the photographer was lucky or he knew exactly how the image would look and waited until he got the photo he wanted. 

варіанти відповідей

These ideas should help to reduce pollution in the future, which will improve health standards in major cities.

Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned.

These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air.

The one that the people were watching that morning was for a holiday company.

Запитання 4

Before the 2008 Olympic Games, pollution in Beijing was reduced greatly. As well as reducing traffic levels and closing factories, other methods to reduce pollution were used. (4)            .To help with this, scientists were even able to make clouds drop more rain. Since then, things have got worse rather than better but, at last, the government seems to be determined to do something about the problem. 

варіанти відповідей

These ideas should help to reduce pollution in the future, which will improve health standards in major cities.

These included pouring water onto roads to reduce the amount of dust flying in the air.

Another target is older, more polluting cars. The worst offenders will be banned.

This is the time of year when more coal is burned to heat people’s homes.

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