Choose the correct answer.
How do you ________ ‘accomodation’? Does it have one ‘m’ or ‘mm’?
Choose the correct answer.
Do you enjoy learning English?
Choose the correct answer.
________ to make facts known or to say things that make a person (or an event) known to a lot of people.
Choose the correct answer.
I am going to ________ the exam in June.
Choose the correct answer.
I really hope I’ll ________ ! If I don’t ________, I will take the exam again in November.
Choose the correct answer.
Andy ________ what time the train leaves.
Choose the correct answer.
I want to ________ how to drive.
Choose the correct answer.
My dad ________ me how to drive.
Choose the correct answer.
He ________ biology at university.
Choose the correct answer.
________ if you add together several quantities and divide the sum by the total number of quantities you’ll get it.
Choose the correct answer.
________ a pleasant and not very serious activity (that can drive your attention away from serious things).
Choose the correct answer.
A: Now come on, calm down, it’s not the end of the world. It was just an exam.
B: …
A: Why? What happened?
Choose the correct answer.
________ is a short statement that gives only the main points and not the details of a longer text.
Choose the correct answer.
the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with the situation successfully
Choose the correct answer.
________ is something you do to earn money. This noun is uncountable.
Choose the correct answer.
________ is used to talk about the particular type of work activity which you do.
Choose the correct answer.
________ is a chance that something may happen or be true.
Choose the correct answer.
________ is an event, or a time when something happens.
Choose the correct answer.
________ is a possibility of doing something, or a situation which gives you the possibility of doing something.
Choose the correct answer.
________ is someone who has completed a university degree course, especially for a fi rst degree.
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