Full Blast 4 Unit 5

Додано: 27 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 35 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below

Trip, voyage, tour, cruise, journey, flight

1.   The ___________from Lviv to Warsaw by car takes 9 hours.

2.   Next Sunday, Kate and her sisters are going on a day_______to Lake Victoria.

3.   A lot of people had to wait for some hours at the airport because our _______to Italy was delayed.

4.   When they arrived in Madrid, they went on a __________of the city.

5.   One of the inventors made three important_____________ to the Pacific Ocean.

6.   Last summer my parents went on a _______________around the Mediterranean.

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Запитання 2

Guide, boss, chief, leader

1.  The camp _______ told us to put the fire.

2.  The police _______ was interested in witness’s retelling.

3.  If we want to be alive in rainforest we should hire the _______.

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Запитання 3

1.   Dad told to me/told me to come in time.

2.   When they come/had come/came home the dinner had been prepared.

3.   She had done/was doing/had been doing this task for an hour.

4.   We will take off/on/in in a few minutes.

варіанти відповідей

told me/came/had been doing/off

told to me/came/had been doing/off

told me/came/had been doing/in

told me/come/had been doing/off

Запитання 4

1.   More than two hundred compete/competing/competitors entered the contest after they filled/had filled/had been filling the applications.

2.   The man insisted/denied/suggested on calling to a doctor.

3. She was/had been/ had tired because she was running/had run/had been running for his small daughter for a while.

варіанти відповідей

competitors, had filled/insisted/was, had run

competitors, filled/suggested/was, had been running

competitors, had filled/insisted/was, had been running

Запитання 5

1. Dad was listening/listened/had been listening to children who retold/were retelling/had been retelling what they saw/had seen/had been seen at the zoo.

2. Teacher told us don’t use/not to use/to not use the phone.

3. The man says that he would go/will go/went as soon as possible.’

варіанти відповідей

was listening, were retelling, had seen/not to use/will go

was listening, retold, had seen/don't use/will go

was listening, were retelling, had been seen/not to use/will go

Запитання 6

True/False sentences.

1.We change pronouns both in English and Ukrainian.______

2.If reporting verb is in Present Tenses we change Tenses. _____

3.Conditional I change into Conditional II. ________

4. We change both MUST and HAVE TO into HAD TO in Reported Speech _____

5.When we report Command or Request we change Tenses. ___

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