Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
You learn about politics and the economy - and how to interact as part of society.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
This subject is about the past.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
If you've got a head for numbers, you're usually good at this.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
Knowing how rivers are made and how to read maps are useful skills.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
If you love reading poetry, novels and short stories, this is the subject for you.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
This subject involves doing experiments.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
You study phrasal verbs, conditionals and the passive tense.
Read the clue and choose the correct subject.
You learn about living things.
Choose the correct alternative.
Last week I wrote ____ - about my hobbies and interests.
Choose the correct alternative.
I don't know what lesson's next because I didn't bring my ____.
Choose the correct alternative.
This is my favourite ____ because the weather is better.
Choose the correct alternative.
Teachers give a final grade based on the ___ trip we do all year.
Choose the correct alternative.
You need to take good notes in class to get high ___.
Choose the correct alternative.
We spend a lot of time doing ____ for assignments.
Choose the correct alternative.
We learnt about the First World War when we went to France on ___.
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