Get 200/1Reading page 112

Додано: 19 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 63 рази
13 запитань
Запитання 1

They mistreated their dog

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They behaved badly towards their dog

They treated their dog well

Запитання 2

The child was hyperactive

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The child was too slow

The child couldn’t slow down

Запитання 3

Garry’s boss underestimated him

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Garry’s boss thought he was cleverer than he appeared

Garry’s boss didn’t realise how clever Gary really was

Запитання 4

Garry’s boss underestimated him

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Garry’s boss thought he was cleverer than he appeared

Garry’s boss didn’t realise how clever Gary really was

Запитання 5

This law is disadvantageous to people over fifty

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People over fifty benefit from this law

People over fifty don’t benefit from this law

Запитання 6

The school miscalculated the number of students who would be coming to the talk

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The school got the number of students coming to the talk wrong

The school got the number of students coming to the talk right

Запитання 7

Dentists advise us to take preventive measures to keep our teeth healthy

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Dentists want us to avoid having treatment for bad teeth

Dentists want to profit from our bad dental health

Запитання 8

We went to quite a lot of ….. when we visited Madrid

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Common practice

Cultural events

Strategic positions

Formidable opponents

Запитання 9

We’re running out of some…. and need to stock up some

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Strategic positions

Cultural events

Staple food

Formidable opponents

Запитання 10

….. foods

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Запитання 11

… practice

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Запитання 12

Brian is facing a … opponent in his tennis match this weekend

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Запитання 13

I’ve put reminder notes in strategic… all over the kitchen so that Eva can’t ignore them

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