Додано: 8 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 55 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

What is the name of the author of the novel that became the basis for the film 'GONE WITH THE WIND? '

варіанти відповідей

Edgar Poe 

Margaret Mitchell

Theodor Dreiser

Запитання 2

What event inevitably approached and excited all the inhabitants of the town and the country except Scarlett O’Hara?

варіанти відповідей

The beginning of the war with Yankees

The beginning of the war with the French

The beginning of the war with the English

Запитання 3

Because of what dangerous occupation did Father of Scarlett get injured? 

варіанти відповідей

It happened because of his love of horseback riding through the springboard

It happened because of his love of horseback riding through the forest

It happened because of his love of horseback riding through the lake

Запитання 4

Where did the picnic take place and who received guests in their house? Who did Scarlett O’Hara meet at a social gathering? 

варіанти відповідей

Mr. Charles Hamilton in The Twelve Oaks; Mr. Red Butler

Mr.John Wilkes in The Twelve Oaks; Mr. Red Butler

Mr.Ashley Wilkes in The Twelve Oaks; Mr. Red Butler

Mrs. Melanie Hamilton in The Twelve Oaks; Mr. Red Butler

Запитання 5

Who did Scarlett dream of marrying?

варіанти відповідей

Mr. Red Butler

Mr Ashley Wilkes

Mr. Charles Hamilton

Mr. John Wilkes

Запитання 6

What caused the failure of Scarlet's love affair and plan to marry Ashley? 

варіанти відповідей

The man decided to devote himself to the sawmill business.

The man perished in one of the battles with Yankees.

The man got engaged to the girl whose name was Melany.

The man moved to another country.

Запитання 7

What did Scarlett O’Hara promise Mr. Hamilton before he left for the front, what happened after Hamilton went to war and what were Scarle's emotions?

варіанти відповідей

She said she would immediately help him to start his own business, and pay a contribution for exemption from military service. This measure could help her restore her reputation as a respectable citizen.

She said she would immediately share her sawmill business, during the first battles, Scarlett's husband died, but she did not want to be poor and go from bread to water.

Everything she wanted was to have a good business partner and remain a wealthy citizen,

She said she would immediately help him to marry her sister, during the first battles, Scarlett's husband died, but she did not want to be in mourning and wear mourning clothes.

Everything she wanted was to make her sister happy, and have fun at her sister's wedding.

She said she would immediately marry him, during the first battles, Scarlett's husband died, but she did not want to be in mourning and wear mourning clothes. Everything she wanted was to dance and have fun.

Запитання 8

For which lot did Captain Butler pay $ 150 gold at an auction in support of military hospitals?

варіанти відповідей

He paid for the dance with Melanie in order to restore his good reputation.

He paid for the dance with Scarlett in order to help her flout human thought.


He paid for the drugs for badly-wounded soldiers and in this way hasten the end of the war.

He paid this lot in order to bribe some powerful Yankees and in this way hasten the end of the war.

Запитання 9

Did Scarlett Hamilton give up trying to be with Ashley Wilkins?

варіанти відповідей

No, she remained faithful to him and was always with his wife to find out the latest news from the front.

No, she remained faithful to him and was always next to him even during the battles.

Yes, she did and soon got married to Red Butler.

No, she remained faithful to him and married him when he returned from the war. Moreover, they started a new business of the sawmill.

Запитання 10

Where did Scarlett Hamilton work during the Yankee military offensive in Atlanta?

варіанти відповідей

She worked at the sawmill as its owner.

She worked at the hospital as a nurse.

She worked at her own plantation in Tara.

She worked at the Confederate Army as a cook.

Запитання 11

Why did Scarlett stay in Atlanta and not accept Captain Butler's offer to flee with him?

 (She stayed there because she promised Ashley to take care of Melanie in case he died)

варіанти відповідей

 She stayed there because she promised Ashley to wait for him and marry him after the war in case he comes back to Tara.

 She stayed there because she promised Ashley to take care of herself and help his parents in case he died.

 She stayed there because she promised Ashley to take care of Melanie in case he died.

 She stayed there because she promised Ashley to take care of his family and business in case he died.

Запитання 12

What did Scarlett and Melanie see when they arrived at the place where Scarlet once lived?


варіанти відповідей

Scarlett saw that her house had survived and that her father, Mummy, and her sisters were in good health. Moreover, they started a new business at the sawmill and became wealthy.

Scarlett saw that her house had survived but her father, Mummy, and sisters had died recently. Melanie saw that John Wilkes had died and his house was crashed

Scarlett saw that her house had survived but her father, Mummy, and sisters had died recently. Melanie saw that John Wilkes had come back and was going to marry her.

Scarlett saw that her house had survived and that her father, Mummy, and sisters were in it, but her mother had died recently. Melanie saw that John Wilkes had died and his house was crashed.

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