It`s the flu season again, and _______ seems to be walking around with a fever, a runny nose and a sore throat.
And that`s _______ a basic mistake to make!
You ______ stay at home and give yourself a chance to recover.
If you ______ on with your normal activities while you are fightning a virus, you will simply use up all your energy and make it harder to recover.
You may also risk _____ on the germs to the people around you.
So just make _______ comfortable on the sofa and spend the time watching TV or reading a good book.
Take your temperature regularly, and if you`ve got a fever, you can try ______ it down with some aspirin.
That should also help ease muscle pain, _________ common flu symptom.
Also, make sure you drink a lot of liquids - _________ you do that, the fever will dehydrate you and you`ll feel even worse.
They wouldn`t have an effect if you ______ them anyway, because they don`t work on viruses. So just take your vitamins, eat light, healthy meals, and let your body recover from the illness in due course.
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