English-Speaking Countries. Australia. Great Britain

Text for listening:


Додано: 27 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 186 разів
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Listen to the text about Australia and mark if the sentence is true or false. 


Australia is the largest continent in the world.

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Запитання 2

Listen to the text about Australia and mark if the sentence is true or false.

Vast areas of desert cover most of Central and Western Australia.

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Запитання 3

Listen to the text about Australia and mark if the sentence is true or false.

Australia is washed by the waters of three oceans.

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Запитання 4

Listen to the text about Australia and mark if the sentence is true or false.

Most people live in the north of the country.

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Запитання 5

Listen to the text about Australia and mark if the sentence is true or false.

The snow lies for seven months of the year in the southeast.

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Запитання 6

Make up the word-combination

The English…

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Запитання 7

Make up the word-combination

Northern …                          

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Запитання 8

Make up the word-combination

The North

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Запитання 9

Make up the word-combination

The Channel


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Запитання 10

Make up the word-combination

The Irish  


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Запитання 11

Read & Complete

The United Kingdom lies between the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and … , and comes within 35 km of the northwest coast of France, from which it is separated by … .

варіанти відповідей

The North Sea, The English Channel

Northern Ireland, The United Kingdom

The Irish Sea, The English Channel

The Channel Tunnel, The North Sea

Запитання 12

Read & Complete

Northern Ireland shares a 360 km international land boundary with the Republic of Ireland. 

… beneath the English Channel, now links … with France.

варіанти відповідей

The English Channel, The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom, The Irish Sea

The United Kingdom, The Channel Tunnel

Запитання 13

Read & Complete

The UK is made up of several islands. The only land border connecting the UK to another country is between … and the Republic of Ireland.

варіанти відповідей

The English Channel

Northern Ireland

The North Sea

The United Kingdom

The Channel Tunnel

The Irish Sea

Запитання 14

Read & Complete

The UK is washed by the English Channel to the south, which separates it from continental Europe, by the North Sea to the east and by … and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

варіанти відповідей

The English Channel

Northern Ireland

The North Sea

The United Kingdom

The Channel Tunnel

The Irish Sea

Запитання 15

Read the text England and tick the sentences which are describing the country.

England, the largest of the countries on the island of Great Britain, covers a area of over 130,279 sq km. Much of the land in England is flat, forming meadowlands, and less than 10 per cent of the area is covered with woodlands. There are mountains in the north and the west of England. The highest point in England is Scafell Pike, 978m, part of the Cumbrian Mountains in north-west England. The Pennines, a large chain of hills, run down from the Scottish border to the river Trent about halfway down the country. The Thames, England’s best-known river, is also the longest one. It flows through London.

варіанти відповідей

It occupies the northern part of the United Kingdom.

Most of its land is mountainous.

It is the largest of the countries on the island of Great Britain.

The Highlands is the most mountainous region on the island of Great Britain.

A small part of its territory is occupied by woods.

Its highest point is Scafell Pike.

Its highest peak — Ben Nevis — is the highest summit in the United Kingdom.

Its best-known river flows through London.

Запитання 16

Read the text Wales and tick the sentences which aren't describing the country.

Wales lies on the western side of the island of Great Britain and occupies the total area of 20,779 sq km. The coastline of Wales is narrow and twisted, and has many picturesque bays, the largest is Cardigan Bay. Mountains occupy most of the territory of Wales. The main range is the Cambrian Mountains, which extend north and south through central Wales. Other major highland areas are the Brecon Beacons in the south-east and the Snowdon massif, in the northwest. Bala Lake is the largest natural lake in Wales. The River Dee is the most important river of Wales. In the south numerous rivers flow through steep valleys, including the Usk, Wye, Teifi, and Towy.

варіанти відповідей

It borders on Ireland.

This part of the UK is not on the island of Great Britain.

It occupies the western side of the island of Great Britain.

Its most important river is the River Dee.

It has many bays, the largest of which is Cardigan Bay.

Its narrow coastline is not straight.

Its main range is the Cambrian Mountains.

Its highest mountain is 850 m high.

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