За підручником О.Д.Карп'юк 7 клас.
A sick person that a doctor looks after is…
A person who treats sick people and visits patients in hospitals regularly is...
If a person has an accident, he should go to...
Who takes care of patients in hospitals ….
Where do you go when you have a toothache?
A surgeon ...
Illness, when your ears hurt
A disease is characterized by...
When you come to the hospital, the doctor...
If you need to visit a doctor, you ...
After examination doctor prescribes you ...
If you need medicine, you go to the...
A pain in the head lasting for some time
To get well after an illness
A round piece of medicine
A throat which is painful
A vehicle for transportation to hospital
To send air out of your mouth with a sudden loud noise
When human body gets very hot
An upper part of the body with heart and lungs inside
The doctor .... me to take more exercise.
The girl is... and the.... will come soon.
Let me check your ......
A bad cold is called...
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