High Flyers Unit 6 (Solutions intermediate 3rd edition)

Додано: 15 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 241 раз
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the email with who, which, where or whose.

Hi Josh,

I hope you're well. I'm working weekends at a restaurant (1) ________ makes delicious Italicious Italian food. It's a place (2) _______ lots of people go at the weekends, so I'm really busy because that's when I work too. The people (3)_______ work there are really nice, especially Maria. She's the girl (4) _______ parents own the restaurant. Maria is someone I really like. We have the same interests, and we often meet outside work too. Anyway, tell me about the job (5)_______ you're doing at the moment.


(1) ________

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Запитання 2

Complete the email with who, which, where or whose.

Hi Josh,

I hope you're well. I'm working weekends at a restaurant (1) ________ makes delicious Italicious Italian food. It's a place (2) _______ lots of people go at the weekends, so I'm really busy because that's when I work too. The people (3)_______ work there are really nice, especially Maria. She's the girl (4) _______ parents own the restaurant. Maria is someone I really like. We have the same interests, and we often meet outside work too. Anyway, tell me about the job (5)_______ you're doing at the moment.


(2) _________

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Запитання 3

Complete the email with who, which, where or whose.

Hi Josh,

I hope you're well. I'm working weekends at a restaurant (1) ________ makes delicious Italicious Italian food. It's a place (2) _______ lots of people go at the weekends, so I'm really busy because that's when I work too. The people (3)_______ work there are really nice, especially Maria. She's the girl (4) _______ parents own the restaurant. Maria is someone I really like. We have the same interests, and we often meet outside work too. Anyway, tell me about the job (5)_______ you're doing at the moment.


(3) _________

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Запитання 4

Complete the email with who, which, where or whose.

Hi Josh,

I hope you're well. I'm working weekends at a restaurant (1) ________ makes delicious Italicious Italian food. It's a place (2) _______ lots of people go at the weekends, so I'm really busy because that's when I work too. The people (3)_______ work there are really nice, especially Maria. She's the girl (4) _______ parents own the restaurant. Maria is someone I really like. We have the same interests, and we often meet outside work too. Anyway, tell me about the job (5)_______ you're doing at the moment.


(4) ________

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Запитання 5

Complete the email with who, which, where or whose.

Hi Josh,

I hope you're well. I'm working weekends at a restaurant (1) ________ makes delicious Italicious Italian food. It's a place (2) _______ lots of people go at the weekends, so I'm really busy because that's when I work too. The people (3)_______ work there are really nice, especially Maria. She's the girl (4) _______ parents own the restaurant. Maria is someone I really like. We have the same interests, and we often meet outside work too. Anyway, tell me about the job (5)_______ you're doing at the moment.


(5) ________

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Запитання 6

Choose the sentence that contain corect non-defining relative clause:

The Golden Temple is a Chinese restaurant, and we had my sister's birthday dinner there.

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The Golden Temple is a Chinese restaurant, and we had my sister's birthday dinner there.

The Golden Temple, where we had my sister's birthday dinner, is a Chinese restaurant.

The Golden Temple, which we had my sister's birthday dinner, is a Chinese restaurant.

The Golden Temple, whose we had my sister's birthday dinner, is a Chinese restaurant.

Запитання 7

Choose the sentence that contain corect non-defining relative clause:

Landsdowne Park is the biggest park in town, and I often meet my friends there.

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Landsdowne Park, where I often meet my friends, is the biggest park in town.

Landsdowne Park is the biggest park in town, and I often meet my friends there.

Landsdowne Park, whose I often meet my friendds, is the biggest park in town.

Landsdowne Park, which I often meet my friendds, is the biggest park in town.

Запитання 8

Choose the sentence that contain corect non-defining relative clause:

A lot of people came to the job interview, and it was in London.

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A lot of people came to the job interview, and it was in London.

A lot of people came to the job interview, where was in London.

A lot of people came to the job interview, who was in London.

A lot of people came to the job interview, which was in London.

Запитання 9

Choose the sentence that contain corect non-defining relative clause:

Mrs Jones teaches us maths,and she only came to our school this year.

варіанти відповідей

Mrs Jones, who came to our school this year, teaches us maths.

Mrs Jones, whose came to our school this year, teaches us maths.

Mrs Jones, where came to our school this year, teaches us maths.

Mrs Jones teaches us maths,and she only came to our school this year.

Запитання 10

Choose the sentence that contain corect non-defining relative clause:

Price Right Housing is an estate agent's, and it has just opened an office in our town.

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Price Right Housing is an estate agent's, and it has just opened an office in our town.

Price Right Housing, which has just opened an office in our town, an estate agent's.

Price Right Housing, who has just opened an office in our town, an estate agent's.

Price Right Housing, where has just opened an office in our town, an estate agent's.

Запитання 11

Complete the sentence with the corect word (noun or adjective)

Stop laughing for a moment and listen to me. I'm trying to be ___________.

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Запитання 12

Complete the sentence with the corect word (noun or adjective)

Auntie Fran is very __________ to me. She often buys me things.

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Запитання 13

Complete the sentence with the corect word (noun or adjective)

Don't lie to us, Carol. _________ is important.

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Запитання 14

Complete the sentence with the corect word (noun or adjective)

Sam doesn't mind waiting for people. He's got a lot of ___________.

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Запитання 15

Complete the sentence with the corect word (noun or adjective)

The boys in Dominic's band are all very_____________. They want to be rich and famous.

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Запитання 16

Choose the corect sentences. For some questions, both sentences are correct.

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Can you look this word up in the dictionary?

Can you look up this word in the dictionary?

Запитання 17

Choose the corect sentences. For some questions, both sentences are correct.

варіанти відповідей

When I was reading that magazine, I came an interesting article across about young enterpreneurs.

When I was reading that magazine, I came across an interesting article about young enterpreneurs.

Запитання 18

Choose the corect sentences. For some questions, both sentences are correct.

варіанти відповідей

Can you work out the answer to this maths question?

Can you work the answer to this maths question out?

Запитання 19

Choose the corect sentences. For some questions, both sentences are correct.

варіанти відповідей

My grandma is an amazing person, and I really look up to her.

My grandma is an amazing person, and I really look her up to.

Запитання 20

Choose the corect sentences. For some questions, both sentences are correct.

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They bought an old cafe and turned into it a really successful restaurant.

They bought an old cafe and turned it into a really successful restaurant.

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