
Додано: 2 січня
Предмет: Біологія, 11 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Trauma of derma reticular layer was happened. At the expense of what cell differon activity regeneration of this layer will happen?

варіанти відповідей

a. Fibroblasts

b. Macrophages

c. Plasma cells

d. Lymphoblasts

Запитання 2

Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatology department.

Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration of the muscle function possible?

варіанти відповідей

a. Myoblasts

b. Fibroblasts

c. Satellite-cells

d. Myofibroblasts

Запитання 3

A cyst of the ovary was found at 50-year-old woman. From what structure was it developed?

варіанти відповідей

a. From follicle

b. From white body

d. From interstitial cells

. From cortex stroma

Запитання 4

50-year- old patient complains of increased appetite, thirsty, decreased body weight and fatigue.

Increased blood glucose level was revealed during laboratory examination. What cells function disorder is connected with development of this disease?

варіанти відповідей

a. B-cells

c. Lipotropocytes

d. Thyrocytes

e. a-cells

Запитання 5

bEpithelial cells have axoneme in one of the part of the excurrent ducts of the mucosa. Specify the part of the excurrent duct system.

  a. Rete testis and efferent ductules

  b. Ductus epididymis and ductus deferens


• d. Ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct O e. Efferent ductules and ductus epididymis

варіанти відповідей

 a. Rete testis and efferent ductules

  b. Ductus epididymis and ductus deferens

d. Ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct O e. Efferent ductules and ductus epididymis

Запитання 6

Changes in the structure of the endometrium were found during microscopic examination of biopsy material of women suffering from infertility as a result of the action of hormone progesterone.

Where is this hormone produced?

варіанти відповідей

a. Yellow body of the ovary

O b. Hypothalamus

c. Ovarian follicles

d. Posterior pituitary

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