І Семестр

Додано: 13 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple / Continuous / Perfect or the Past Simple.

We never (share) a lot of personal information on the Internet.

варіанти відповідей

We never share a lot of personal information on the Internet.

We never sharst a lot of personal information on the Internet

We never shared a lot of personal information on the Internet

Запитання 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple / Continuous / Perfect or the Past Simple.

Jack  (not study) German last year, he (learn) French.

варіанти відповідей

Jack did not study German last year, he learn French.

Jack did not study German last year, he learned French.

Jack not study German last year, he learned French.

Запитання 3

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple / Continuous / Perfect or the Past Simple.

Carl (not repair) his car right now; he (sleep).

варіанти відповідей

Carl not repair his car right now; he sleep

Carl is not repair his car right now; he is sleep

Carl is not repairing his car right now; he is sleeping.

Запитання 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple / Continuous / Perfect or the Past Simple.

They  (not try) my mother's crisps and salad yet.

варіанти відповідей

They  not try my mother's crisps and salad yet.

They haven't tried my mother's crisps and salad yet.

They haven't try my mother's crisps and salad yet.

Запитання 5

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple / Continuous / Perfect or the Past Simple.

Nina (not babysit) her little brother every Wednesday.

варіанти відповідей

Nina doesn't babysit her little brother every Wednesday.

Nina not babysit her little brother every Wednesday.

Nina not babysit her little brother every Wednesday.

Запитання 6

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple / Continuous / Perfect or the Past Simple.

Sam (be) to New York and Washington already.

варіанти відповідей

Sam have been to New York and Washington already.

Sam has been to New York and Washington already.

Sam has be to New York and Washington already.

Запитання 7

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

There are any apples left in the box.

варіанти відповідей

There aren't any apples left in the box.

There are any apples left in the box.

There is any apples left in the box.

Запитання 8

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

How many butter are there in the fridge?

варіанти відповідей

How much butter is there in the fridge?

How many butter are there in the fridge?

How much butter are there in the fridge?

Запитання 9

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

I think Ben is gooder mechanic than Bob.

варіанти відповідей

I think Ben is good mechanic than Bob.

I think Ben is gooder mechanic than Bob.

I think Ben is better mechanic than Bob.

Запитання 10

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

This is the most interestingest website I have ever seen!

варіанти відповідей

This is the most interestingest website I have ever seen!

This are the most interesting website I have ever seen!

This is the most interesting website I have ever seen!

Запитання 11

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

What have you did in here?

варіанти відповідей

What have you did in here?

What has you did here?

What have you done here?

Запитання 12

Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.

When did Jack made this cake?

варіанти відповідей

When did Jack make this cake?

When did Jack made this cake?

When do Jack make this cake?

Запитання 13

Read the paragraph from Nick and choose the right answer:

My best friend, Ben, is twelve years old. He is sometimes very curious and often reads a Lot. Ben doesn’t Like multiplying, subtracting or doing any other calculations. That is why his Least favourite subject at school is Maths. However, he enjoys Science learning about different creatures and doing experiments. He is also interested in History — he Likes battles. We often meet and have fun together. It was my birthday two days ago and we celebrated it in a cafe. Ben gave me the coolest present ever - a new computer game! We had some contests with the rest of my friends and ate some tiramisu and macaroons. Next Sunday is Ben’s birthday and I already know what to prepare for him - a surprise party at his favourite cafe with some fireworks in the end!

Ben is ... years old.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 14

Read the paragraph from Nick and choose the right answer:

My best friend, Ben, is twelve years old. He is sometimes very curious and often reads a Lot. Ben doesn’t Like multiplying, subtracting or doing any other calculations. That is why his Least favourite subject at school is Maths. However, he enjoys Science learning about different creatures and doing experiments. He is also interested in History — he Likes battles. We often meet and have fun together. It was my birthday two days ago and we celebrated it in a cafe. Ben gave me the coolest present ever - a new computer game! We had some contests with the rest of my friends and ate some tiramisu and macaroons. Next Sunday is Ben’s birthday and I already know what to prepare for him - a surprise party at his favourite cafe with some fireworks in the end!

He doesn't like ... .

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 15

Read the paragraph from Nick and choose the right answer:

My best friend, Ben, is twelve years old. He is sometimes very curious and often reads a Lot. Ben doesn’t Like multiplying, subtracting or doing any other calculations. That is why his Least favourite subject at school is Maths. However, he enjoys Science learning about different creatures and doing experiments. He is also interested in History — he Likes battles. We often meet and have fun together. It was my birthday two days ago and we celebrated it in a cafe. Ben gave me the coolest present ever - a new computer game! We had some contests with the rest of my friends and ate some tiramisu and macaroons. Next Sunday is Ben’s birthday and I already know what to prepare for him - a surprise party at his favourite cafe with some fireworks in the end!

Ben enjoys ... .

варіанти відповідей



experiments and battles

Запитання 16

Read the paragraph from Nick and choose the right answer:

My best friend, Ben, is twelve years old. He is sometimes very curious and often reads a Lot. Ben doesn’t Like multiplying, subtracting or doing any other calculations. That is why his Least favourite subject at school is Maths. However, he enjoys Science learning about different creatures and doing experiments. He is also interested in History — he Likes battles. We often meet and have fun together. It was my birthday two days ago and we celebrated it in a cafe. Ben gave me the coolest present ever - a new computer game! We had some contests with the rest of my friends and ate some tiramisu and macaroons. Next Sunday is Ben’s birthday and I already know what to prepare for him - a surprise party at his favourite cafe with some fireworks in the end!

Ben gave Nick a ... for his birthday.

варіанти відповідей

video game

computer game

board game

Запитання 17

Read the paragraph from Nick and choose the right answer:

My best friend, Ben, is twelve years old. He is sometimes very curious and often reads a Lot. Ben doesn’t Like multiplying, subtracting or doing any other calculations. That is why his Least favourite subject at school is Maths. However, he enjoys Science learning about different creatures and doing experiments. He is also interested in History — he Likes battles. We often meet and have fun together. It was my birthday two days ago and we celebrated it in a cafe. Ben gave me the coolest present ever - a new computer game! We had some contests with the rest of my friends and ate some tiramisu and macaroons. Next Sunday is Ben’s birthday and I already know what to prepare for him - a surprise party at his favourite cafe with some fireworks in the end!

They had some ... on Nick's birthday.

варіанти відповідей

tiramisu and macaroons

ice cream and biscuits

cake and sweets

Запитання 18

Read the paragraph from Nick and choose the right answer:

My best friend, Ben, is twelve years old. He is sometimes very curious and often reads a Lot. Ben doesn’t Like multiplying, subtracting or doing any other calculations. That is why his Least favourite subject at school is Maths. However, he enjoys Science learning about different creatures and doing experiments. He is also interested in History — he Likes battles. We often meet and have fun together. It was my birthday two days ago and we celebrated it in a cafe. Ben gave me the coolest present ever - a new computer game! We had some contests with the rest of my friends and ate some tiramisu and macaroons. Next Sunday is Ben’s birthday and I already know what to prepare for him - a surprise party at his favourite cafe with some fireworks in the end!

Nick wants to prepare a ... for Ben.

варіанти відповідей

festive meal



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