Who had started the Apple company ?
Leonard da Vinci was a great ....
Alexander Graham Bell is known to be ... of telephone
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak ... the Apple II, a popular mass-market personal computer.
The ... of science in any country is the way to success
Electricity ... by Michael Faraday.
In 1996 a sheep called ‘Dolly’ … (clone) by British scientists from a single cell that … (take) from a six-year-old female sheep.
The first TV remote controls … (use) in the 1950s in the USA. One of the early models … (develop) in 1952, and it … (call) ‘Lazy Bones’.
The first affordable cars … (produce) by Henry Ford.
The theory of relativity ... A. Eistein.
The report .... by the manager every Monday
New products .... in the factory every day.
The first step on the Moon ... ( to take) by Neil Armstrong.
The Wright brothers invented this machine in 1903, recognized as "the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight"
Rewrite the sentence into Passive Voice
Jenny runs a race every summer.
Rewrite the sentence into Passive Voice
The park ranger cleaned the fountain yesterday.
Serhii Korolov was successful in the field of ......
The gadgets are...
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